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Body Slide body type batching issues.


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OK so manually installing BS/OS did NOT work. 


I copied EVERYTHING in Tools to my Data, and then launched BS, had to select the path, selected PC/Steam/SteamApps/Common/FO4/Data/Tools/BodySlide.... and it would not work. 


Installed again with NMM and selected the launch path as above, and FO4 as the game path... and voila... it worked. 


So I uninstalled ALL my Vtaw packs... and JUST installed ONE outfit... his Maxi Dress.... installed the outfit, then the BS files.... and it SHOWED in BS, and MORPHED... BUT the preview is STILL showing NO TEXTURE. 


I am completely and totally AT A LOSS. 


I will just reinstall all the previous packs so I do not ruin my current playthrough, then bin this silly mod and all the clothing mods. 


Absolute nightmare. 


Thank you so much for your help though Sunaverage, I truly appreciate it. I am not computer savvy though, if manager installations fail, I am lost. I did not check if the mesh files are protected, or the ShapeData missing.... because I do not know where those are (or even what they are, well, I can guess from the name, but that is about it). It would seem these mods do not like manager downloads, and manually doing it seems beyond me, so I have to cut my losses, but thanks so much anyway. 



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Yes, everything goes into Data. But before you manual install all and everything it might be senseful to take a mod that doesn't have so much files like a complete Vtaw Wardrobe and for me it would make sense to reinstall Bodyslide, too. The Rogue outfit is a good "test obeject" in my eyes, because it does not have so many files. After you unpacked it to your drive you copy the folders and files into Data or directly unpack the downloaded file into Data. You can start Bodyslide and see what happens. For use in game the mod has to be activated.

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You don't copy single files you copy the complete folders into Data. If you do so e.g. the complete mod folder Textures goes to Data, complete Meshes folder  to Data, complete Tools folder to Data, etc. The only single file is often the esp.

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Wait, so uninstall BS/ OS, then redownload download BS/OD, then unzip it somewhere... and move EVERYTHING extracted to FO4/Data? 


Then delete my Vtaw packs, and then download Vtaw Wardrobe 8.... unpack it to my HD.... move JUST the Rouge outfit to the FO4 Data folder? 


Then start BS? Via my mod manager? 


See it if works? 


And then if it does, check if the Rogue outfit? 


If there is still NO textures showing.... something is wrong with the Mesh files/shape data? 


OK, I guess I will give this one more shot, in the next day or two.


Just to be clear, I DID already delete ALL my Vtaw stuiff once already....   then downloaded JUST the Maxi Dress mod.... one outdfit, one gloves, one necklace, the simplest Vtaw mod I could find..... I reinstalled BS and looed, and it was there, but without textures so the ONLY thing which might make the difference is reinstalling BS manually putting EVERYTHING< not just tools in the data folder. I will give it a try. 

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You could use your Nexus Mod Manager to uninstall/ reinstall Bodyslide. This is only to make sure that not Bodyslide is the issue. Next you could download Vtaw Rogue to your drive and unpack it. You should get a folder called "Vtaw CP77Rogue". Within this folder you find the subfolders "Materials", "meshes", "textures", "tools" and the "VtawCP77Rogue.esp". Copy all these folders and the esp directly to your Fallout 4\Data. You could doublecheck whether the files are present in Data. E.g. the materials are here (for Steam): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\materials\vtaw\Rogue". Textures and meshes should be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\textures\vtaw\Rogue" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\vtaw\Rogue". You should also find C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Tools\BodySlide\ShapeData\VtawRogue. The related slider sets and presets shall be here "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Tools\BodySlide\SliderPresets" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Tools\BodySlide\SliderSets". When all these files are present in their correct location the outfit should work. I wouldn't have an explanation if it doesn't. In game you need to make sure that the esp is enabled. 


In addition I found this in a Nexus forum: "Go into settings in bodyslide and under gamepath point it to the \data folder not the game folder where the .exe is. (Thanks to WaRi0). This could in fact be important for you to check. It might explain why the textures aren't shown in the preview and that the meshes are not buildt.


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Oh WOW.... OK I will try that latter trick, first.... the pathway.... and see if it helps. If not, I will try as you outlined, later this week, uninstall and reinstall BS/OS..... then uninstall ALL my clothing mods, and MANUALLY download and unpack Vtaw 8, and put JUST the Rouge files you outlined where you outlined them. 


Just so you know dude, I truly appreciate the effort to help, thanks. 

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OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    You might be Subaverage.... but who isnt?  For I...   I...      I.... LOVE YOU!

That last bit worked!!!!!


The path, pointing it specifically to the RIGHT FOLDER, seemed to WORK. 




Something SO EFFING SIMPLE!!!????  I think I FIXED IT!!!!!




I would have your baby!!!! Except, I am a bloke, so I cant, so do not actually ask me to, but the sentiment is there 😛


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