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Two unrelated NPC bugs: Caesar's Legion legionaries shooting in the Arena, and idle King


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I've experienced the following two bugs in FNV which are minor but irritating. The first one is at the Arena at the Fort. When I did all three arena fights, each time there were NPC legionaries around the arena who would shoot at my opponent and kill them, leaving not much of a fight for me. I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen. The Legion is now congratulating me for killing an NCR ranger in hand-to-hand combat even though I didn't do it myself at all. How can this be prevented?


The second bug, a very small one, is at the King's building in Freeside. In the room where you meet the King, one of the NPC Kings members is on a stage and dancing. He only did this the first time I went into that room. Every time I've been back, he just stands on the stage idly. Is there a console command to fix this?


Here's my load order. I thought Mojave NPCs might be the cause of the Arena bug, but its description doesn't say it adds any NPCs around the arena. I haven't been able to test the Arena without the mod as now I can't do anymore fights.



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There is a good possibility that your load order is to blame for the bugs.  You should have the DLCs in this order: DeadMoney, GunRunnersArsenal, HonestHearts, LonesomeRoad, OldWorldBlues.  Followed by:  CaravanPack, ClassicPack, MercenaryPack and TribalPack.

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Open the console and click on one of the legionaries, you'll see an ID at the top of the screen, if that starts with anything other than 00 then he's been added by a mod, the first two characters of that ID will match the load order number/mod index of the mod that added him. 

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There is a good possibility that your load order is to blame for the bugs.  You should have the DLCs in this order: DeadMoney, GunRunnersArsenal, HonestHearts, LonesomeRoad, OldWorldBlues.  Followed by:  CaravanPack, ClassicPack, MercenaryPack and TribalPack.


I installed the "Legion Arena Expanded" mod to test the Arena again. I figured out that disabling the "Mojave NPCs" mod fixes the problem with the legionnaires shooting at arena opponents. Is there any way to prevent that? I'll note that as a conflict on the Mohave NPCs mod page. Disabling Mojave NPCs did not fix the problem with the idle King though. He is a native game asset according to the console.


EDIT: Even after disabling all mods and running the vanilla game, the King still stands idly and does not dance.


EDIT 2: Found a solution. Using the following load order fixes the Arena issue, at least with the Expanded Arena mod installed.

It looks like having Mojave NPCs before the YUP patches fixes the conflict that was making the legionaries attack the arena opponents.


Still can't figure out the King though.


Edited by kbigg
Added additional info about King and Arena fix
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Turns out that I was wrong. After attempting another Arena fight with this load order, the legionaries started shooting again. Disabled mods one by one, legionaries were still shooting. Then I disabled ALL mods except for Arena Expanded, and the legionaries are still shooting. So now I'm at a loss again for what's causing this! Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

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Why not put Legion Arena mod at highest priority?

And on another note: Your profile appear to be configured wrongly for a FNV profile.

A correct profile shouldnt show the DLCs as non-MO on the left panel.

I was, once, playing a profile with such things, and needless to say that damn session is full of minor and irritating bugs. I would suggest you to remake your MO profile so it configure properly before you even attemp fixing bugs.

Edited by laclongquan
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13 hours ago, laclongquan said:

Why not put Legion Arena mod at highest priority?

And on another note: Your profile appear to be configured wrongly for a FNV profile.

A correct profile shouldnt show the DLCs as non-MO on the left panel.

I was, once, playing a profile with such things, and needless to say that damn session is full of minor and irritating bugs. I would suggest you to remake your MO profile so it configure properly before you even attemp fixing bugs.

Today I redid my entire install and followed the Viv New Vegas instructions. I have the pictured load order now. With VNV you can't change the load order of the vanilla DLCs. Arena Expanded is set as the highest priority it can go. And the bug is still happening.


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11 hours ago, laclongquan said:

I mean higher priority as in bigger priority as in lowest in the load order.

That way it would overwrite everything else, specifically Mojave NPC.

That's how I had it set originally. Putting it back there didn't change anything.


I'm sure something with mods messed the arena up in my current playthrough's save. I tested the vanilla arena with a Fort save I got off of Nexus, and it worked fine. Tried that Nexus save with the other mods I had enabled, and it still worked fine. I can't use the arena anymore in my current playthrough so I don't really need it fixed. I just wish I could figure out what exactly the cause of this was so I or others don't run into it again.

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