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REDScript compilation has failed (see images)


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Пожалуйста подскажите в чем может быть проблема?
Сначала вручную моды ставил, потом через Vortex, и ошибка всё равно не исчезла.

Версия игры 2.2
Все моды свежие, скачивал 16 февраля и вручную ставил; и 23 февраля ещё раз скачал и с помощью Vortex поставил (жаль что он остальные не видит).


Please tell me what could be the problem?
First I installed the mods manually, then through Vortex, and the error still did not disappear.

Game version 2.2
All mods are fresh, downloaded on February 16 and manually installed; and on February 23rd I downloaded it again and installed it using Vortex (it’s a pity that he doesn’t see the others).


Снимок экрана 2025-02-23 112036.png

Снимок экрана 2025-02-23 112637.jpg

Снимок экрана 2025-02-23 112841.png

Edited by QVCCARD
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Я установил другие моды через Вортекс и удалил М1 и ошибка снова вылезает:
I installed other mods via Vortex and removed M1 and the error comes out again:


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Выключил эти три мода, затем два мода и даже удалил EquipmentEx и ошбка всё равно есть, Как в скрине выше.


I turned off these three mods, then two mods and even deleted EquipmentEx and the error is still there, as in the screenshot above.

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12 hours ago, Dragon32 said:

I've not had your exact problem but I've had success in deleting all files from this cache directory:

Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded

They are recreated on next game load.

Удалил, всё равно ошибка есть

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I've just seen that you already tried to install files manually. The missing files are at least ArchiveXL, Codeware and TweakXL. I still would try a manual install and check whether all files are present in the right folders. E.g. the error message states that you don't have Codeware installed. So it might not be installed in the correct location. It goes to ...\red4ext\plugins. Same with TweakXL. Are the folders there? If everything seems ok and still doesn't work you could try to downgrade redscript to version 0.5.27.

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