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Simple question about worldspaces


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Making a new worldspace that includes a long underground tunnel accessible via a hole in the ground, no load door. When entering the tunnel, it seems the worldspace light affects the walls of the tunnel, with the wall facing where the sun would be is much brighter than anything else, despite it being completely underground. Is there a way to disable worldspace weather/lighting for a section or does a new interior need to be created?

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I don't know if it would be possible to use a trigger to apply an imagespace modifier for that area, even then it wouldn't look good because the transition between light and dark would be instant, like someone switched the lights off, I also wouldn't trust that modifier to go away when the player leaves. Like madmongo I would create an interior. 

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But setting the light template into something darker would create undesirable effects in the other areas of the worldspace I image. 

In any case, I scrapped that idea and made an interior out of what I wanted to do. Would still like to know if there is an elegant workaround. I am sure I have played a game where I entered somewhere like a cave in a worldspace and noticed it getting darker, and quite smoothly. Maybe Enderal? Might be worth checking that out I suppose.

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If you want a tunnel with light and one end and then getting darker the further you go, set the cell lighting (ambient, fog, directional) all to zero, or maybe just to a fairly small number so that the light won't fade completely to black, then  place a custom light just off the "light" end of the tunnel. You'll have to make the light radius a LOT larger than a typical light, but you should be able to scale it so that the light fades the way you want it to.

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