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Whats a good Breezehome Mod?


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Hello friends,


So I've semi-recently decided to make the switch from LE to SE, but my preferred Breezehome Mod Eli's flavor for TNF is only available on LE; huge bummer, but what can you do.

I've done a little bit of looking to try out other mods and tried the Breezehome TNF Expanded for SSE Redux, but found it really off putting, there are some nice features, I'm not overly bothered by all the expansions, but specifically I hated the way I bought it fully upgraded and some of the expansions and stuff just didn't work for me so much, the downstairs Housecarls room Followers Dorm and using almost the entire upstairs space for a kids bedroom particularly put me off.

I know it's not going to be the same and I'm okay with that, but I'm just unsure of which to try to pick now. I really like the feel of Eli's TNF, but alas. I know some folks here will feel like it's an ask, but if there's anyone who doesn't mind at all offering suggestions I would massively appreciate it.


Much thanks!

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If you have the SE creation kit, for a lot of mods you can load a LE mod into the Creation Kit as the active mod and then save it. The CK will complain but still save the mod in the SE format. Then in your mod manager you can install the mod normally and it will work just fine. It's basically how mod makers convert their mods from LE to SE. I have several mods from various people I converted that way. Some textures and meshes might need an additional step but most do not.

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2 hours ago, scorrp10 said:

Just download the LE version of  the mod and drop it into your SE mods.   99% of LE mods work totally fine in SE without any conversion.

thanks, but this just causes Skyrim to not start at all.

I've tried using the Creation Kit, but it just crashes on load, I've looked up suggestions, but that hasn't resolved the issues.

If anyone knows anything else that can be done, I would appreciate it. If not I'll just have to settle for trying a different mod I guess.

Thanks to all who have tried.

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Ok, I downloaded the mod, unpacked, extracted its bsa, ran its assets through CAO and repackaged the .bsa  archives (with texture .bsa separate).  Then I installed it via Vortex, opened the .esp in Creation Kit, saved it, then for pre-1.6.1130 compatibility, I used SSEEdit to change header version from 1.71 to 1.70

Here is the result, try it out.   These are my SSE screenshots of it.







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