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Updates breaking mods.


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1 hour ago, scorrp10 said:

This is really a case-by-case thing.   Which mod are you updating and which mods that you have depend on it?   For the most part, authors try to update their mods in a way that will not break dependencies.

I was updating the Skyrim: Lore collection. It was multiple mods being updated. I will have to go through and check to see which are not updating. Will inform.

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16 hours ago, showler said:

Are you updating the Collection or updating mods in the Collection?

If you're updating the Collection then any dependencies should have been handled by the curator.  But if you're trying to update mods in the Collection individually then you may have a problem.

I was letting Vortex handle the updates. I am not that smart nor patient to individually update the mods lol. I am fairly certain i could a stand-alone mod but then I would still be very wary.

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