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MO2 - Form 43 ( or lower ) plugin detected ???


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Form 44 is for Skyrim Special Edition.    43 is for original Skyrim.   Form 43 should work in SSE just fine.   You should be able to tell MO2 to ignore this warning.   At least with Vortex, all I get is a LOOT warning  that 'this mod is for an older game version', but it loads the mod anyway.

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If you have the latest Creation kit plus the Creation Kit Fixes if you load up that mod as the active mod and then save it, the creation kit will update the version to the latest version. Essentially it's how a mod maker that works in the LE Skyrim makes it into a SE version for uploading. It's extremely trivial to do in MOST cases. Does not work with mods that contain DLLs or FOMODs.

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For learning about using MO2 I would recommend Googling Gopher MO2. He has a lot of good videos and he sound cool.
Also Google Gamerpoets MO2. Also good videos.

If you get into making mods Darkfox127 can't be beat.

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