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[WIP/Alpha] The Black Marshes


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No, we haven't thrown in the towel. :D After eight years, we're not going to quit now. Ibsen and I have had some real life stuff to deal with that slowed things yet again. Then Ibsen accidentally opened his patch in the regular CS and lost the link to the Black Marsh master. This is an enormous patch. He fixed a TON of landscape issues and added some new areas that will be used in MQ04. Fortunately I can fix it TES4Edit, but it's slow going. I've been working on it full-time for three days now. Once I've rescued his patch, I will merge it into the master, along with my own. Then I'll get back to working on the next two quests that I wanted to add for this release of the alpha.


I am pleased to announce that GGod finished the custom palace meshes for Lilmoth. I will be adding the meshes to our development resources, but I'm not sure if we'll have time to implement the new palace in Lilmoth. Ibsen is going to work on that when he can get back to modding.


Lastly, I'm going to list all our quest lines. We've never really talked about the quests in Black Marsh and we think it's time we did! We will have a Main Quest line, some Miscellaneous quests, and then several quests for the major factions. These include: Hist Tribes, Shadowscales, Trillium Magnata and Sotho Tren. Ibsen has already written up the first quest in every quest line, with some quest lines having two or three quests already. It's my job to add all those quests to the mod. David Brasher has coded up several of the quests and I just need to make some adjustments to enable them in the mod. Then there are some new quests that I need to code up. That's why we will be releasing several alphas before we finally release a beta.


So when complete, Black Marsh will be an entire province with six quest lines. We're not sure how many quests each line will have yet.

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Thanks Ynguatep!


As I mentioned on our own forums, the depressing reality for me is that the time I now have to spend modding is a fraction of the time that I used to have to spend modding about 3 years ago. At least from my end of things, I was about 80-90% complete before my free time started to get steadily worn away. It's like winning a long distance race until the last lap when your body just decides to suddenly pack in. And to think I was once confident of having this out clearly before Skyrim! Nevertheless, AndalayBay's influence has been tremendous in getting things right and implementing the important stuff so even if it's just the two of us (as it pretty much is), we'll get there.

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Definitely. Giving in so close to the goal would always itch.

Really, if I weren't such a greenhorn with the CS, I'd offer at least some basic level design / landscaping or writing help ... but I fear I might easily add more work to your stacks if I mess up something I know nothing about, or bother you additionally with a bazillion of questions. And I can honestly not plan the time I could put into such a project as I work freelance and might always be swamped with new stuff to do.

Edited by Ynguatep
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! Thanks for the support. Sorry for the lack of updates. We're still working on getting the second alpha out. I'd definitely wait for that if you want to check this out. We've made a TON of fixes and additions. I've given up on trying to provide estimates - we've been trying to get this puppy out all summer. :( I am working on adding a quest and I've still got another one after that. Hopefully I can stop getting sidetracked. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm, it's been a while since we've done an update. Work on the second alpha continues. We probably got a tad carried away with bug fixes. :D However I am in the process of adding the first Hist Tribes and Shadowscales quests, which David Brasher coded up for us a while ago. I've been fixing up the quest locations and fleshing out the quests a bit more and I ran into a serious scripting challenge with the first Hist Tribes quest. It's one of those things that seems so simple on paper, but the features are only available through some serious OBSE scripting. Anyway I think I've got it all sorted now and I'm in the process of finishing off the Hist Tribes quest and testing it. As usual, I won't provide any estimates and just say that I'm working on this as much as I can. :D

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Another update: we're getting there! The first Hist Tribes quest has been added and I just released a new master and resource package to the team. This means that I just need to add one more quest and the second alpha will be ready to go, so that's one to three weeks, depending of the complexity of the quest.

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