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AMERICA-The World's Unofficial Police


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I'm not saying that if a thing is not seen, it's not bad. But you can't expect me to believe an outrageous nonsence, especially when there is no proof.


And yet, ironically, the napalm comment that you so easily shrugged and laughed off (and therefore tried to invalidate the rest of the person's argument) has now been proven to be true. Hope you learnt something.

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OK, so there is proof. They were using napalm. I disagree with that, but they were using it only on military targets, which doesn't even breach the 1980 Convention. But I still don't like that.


Well, at least nowadays, no city with its inhabitants in Iraq is being destroyed by chemical weapon. Not like it used to be...

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draighox, the UN is simply facing the problem that a. the USA can block any decision of the security council they like and b. a good deal of the UN budget comes from US sources, so if the UN intends to survive they have a hard time figuring out whether it'd be worth it to strongly oppose the US.
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The UN would never try and oppose the great War-Mongering Gov of the US. The US does infact give them alot of money, which I'm sure the people in those little chairs want to see leave. The US sux if you ask me(this coming from an American).


Ok, supposedly we have freedoms that most people world-wide would love to have. But, the Patriot Act basically took the Bill of Rights and threw it out the window. The Gov.(thanks to the Patriot Act) can now watch(spy on) any American that they want, without any Probable cause. They can now enter your home, and basically hold you hostage without any probable cause. They can take you out of your home, and ship you off to Guantanemo Bay, and then make up some Cover-Up story about how Iranians Kidknapped you, and then took you off to Iran, suggesting that Airport security wasnt strong enough again, the US attacking another country for no apparent reason, and you rotting in a Jail designed for Terrorists. But, the US would never do that, cause Iran doesnt have as much OIL as Saudi Arabia.


The US is not the World Official or Unofficial Police Force, the US is simply the Worlds Bully. If we dont like the way some country is managing themselves, then we just come in, guns blazing, and then tell them what they are gonna do. Basically, how the bully always beat the crap out of you, and then told you that you were gonna give him your lunch money till the day you died.


The President now has so much power thanks to the Patriot Act(must point this out, most of the House of Rep and Senate didnt even read this before passing it, just thought the name sounded good after 9/11) that he's more like a Dictator than the President.


If the US was a Global Police force, they would be more Corrupt than the Police force in Chicago during Prohebition. The only thing that our Gov. wants is more power, and for some odd reason, we keep on giving it to them.


Thats all I got to say about that for now.


BTW, if I end not posting here anymore after about 1-8 days, just remember, the Gov knows everything that you type into your computer if it's hooked up to the Net. Every Key stroke is recorded and cataloged in order to weed out the "Terrorists". So, if I stop posting, I'll be recieving my mail at Guantanemo Bay, send it addressed to Mostafa, Psychiatric Ward, Padded Room #8, Guantanemo Bay.

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why not give the world to america, i dont care as long as im left alone its not like politics work any way i would prefer to just hand england back to the monarchy but that will never happen america is rich like england and they have been a good allie, america cant do any more of a bad job at running the world than us brits did are the romans so personaly who cares.

America though will always need england when it comes to warfare american tactics stink you cant throw 100,000 men into a campain and hope to win it takes time and planning and thats why America will always need England, when it comes to war and tactics its bread into us brits and when ever we team up we always win americas numbers englands tactics what a good combination. :)

napalm is a bad weapon setting fire to trees is wrong in vietnam that happened alot the yanks even napalmed there own troops that is real wrong.

i'm not against napalm are any other weapon of war, the whole point behind war is that you kill the enemy quick and remove all there options napalm if applied right is effective at doing just that.

I dont like war but if it has to be done there shouldnt be rules of engagement that how we lose troops and there is always colateral dammage, there is no way of avoiding it.

What i dont understand is people getting angry over civilian deaths are troop deaths, in war people die its somthing you have to accept.

The western world has grown soft over the years and america in truth is the last bastion of western warfare and true warrior culture.

why should we let smaller countrys terrorise us into doing what they want we should become more hard lined and kill the people that try to kill us, its the western thing to do ???

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why not give the world to america, i dont care as long as im left alone its not like politics work any way i would prefer to just hand england back to the monarchy but that will never happen
Because America doesn't have any business stuffing its nose into other countries. Unless of course they're an obvious threat. And no, I don't call an incorrect intelligence report an obvious threat. :P And well, democracy is at least better than a dictatorship. The monarchy had ridiculous powers in the past, and were almost always corrupt. If not always.
why should we let smaller countrys terrorise us into doing what they want we should become more hard lined and kill the people that try to kill us, its the western thing to do ???
Well we're not, because we're not doing what they want us to do. At least not quite yet. We need to be careful though. And as for killing them, that's easier said than done. I think the line's about as hard as it's gunna get, especially with the new shoot-to-kill headshot order for the police when dealing with potential terrorists. And personally I think our forces have been doing a pretty good job of routing out these guys. The attack in London was an inevitability, unfortunately, you just can't fully protect a city that huge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... not without becoming a police state at least, heh.
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The real question though AMERICA- The worlds unoficial Police i have no problem with that at all somone has to do it and to be honest they have the avialable recourses to do so, if they make the world a better place for all then let them is all i can say.

You would not believe how much i trimmed of this message Switch.

No religous talk makes life a fraction more difficult. :D

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