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The Things They Carried


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What can i say ? I like things that go BOOOM :P

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Right, take 2 on weapon loadout. Same character, a few hours later with a couple of changes.




From left to right, top to bottom (they're sort of in rows, I guess)


MS490 Shotgun, Frag Grenade (carry 10)


Merc Battle Knife (Type 1), AR-70 Heavy Assault Rifle, Glock 20


Scoped Hunting Rifle, .44 Magnum, Snooky the Teddy Bear


Molotov Cocktail (carry 4), MP5-SD


I use the hunting rifle to engage stuff at long range, then the AR-70 for medium range and the MS490 for close stuff. The pistols and explosives serve as a backup in case I'm being rushed by large numbers of something (usually Ghouls) and it's quicker to switch weapons than reload. The silenced MP5 is for stealth takedowns, and the knife is only for times when I'm really screwed. Snooky, who was sadly left out of the last picture, keep the voices away at night.

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Maybe he's testing his fire rebalance mod extensively.

Pretty much. Since my goal was to make a pyro player class interesting to play, what better way to test it other than to make a pyro player!


Is snooky a good shot? He likes like he's right at home with that .44. :P

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