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Required files notification and comment download history update


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I downloaded the new update for the Dev airship and I can understand the need to say what files are required for it to work but.... Is it really necessary for the rude message saying that if you dont have those requirements its your own fault if it doesnt work? I can understand the reason and purpose behind this but if a person cant read the requirements on the mods page then whats the purpose of that rude message? It really irks me for some reason.... Completely unnecessary......

I have read the very, very extensive documentation in the Dev Airship mod and the stickies. Considering there is 2070-some post in that thread I don't think it was rude at all. Telling someone that if they don't have the required files because you didn't read the instructions isn't rude it is a fact. Having read through lots of those 2070-some post (who knows how many PMs), many, many, many of which could have been answered, solved, avoided, etc if someone only took a few moments to read what likely took far more than a few to write...well it would make me loose my religion. That being said if you think a description or sticky breaks the Terms of Service then report it. If it just rubs you wrong then you should consider if you wish to use the work or this or any author in an instance such as that and otherwise pass without comment. We take ToS violations very seriously regardless of the source but abruptness, straight talk and sometimes even a little rudeness in a description or sticky post are not always ToS violations.

I hope this answers your question somewhat.

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In response to post #11608413.

I think he meant this message:

"If you do not download and install these files as per the author's instructions then it's extremely likely that it will not work for you and that'll be no one's fault but your own."

The notice that warns you under the required files box when you download a mod, which is not of the author's choosing. Even so, as you said it's a fact, nothing rude about it. People should always read the description about requirements and installation instructions before downloading a mod. Edited by eSoDian
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...and killing bears on the way to school with my loose-leaf notebook. :smile:

If I didn't know any better, I would think you were Canadian XD They sure don't make binders/notebooks like that anymore...

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