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Required files notification and comment download history update


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This does not collect any personally identifiable information and does not violate any privacy laws. If in doubt - ask a lawyer before making any demands that we not use this feature based on privacy law.

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This'll make things a lot simpler for mod authors.

Especially when the commentators start ranting endlessly about how a certain mod has ruined their game and blah blah blah. -_-

Funny how people are complaining about having to click one more time when trying to download something. Really? Gonna get arthritis from clicking a single extra time every time you have to download things?

How lazy can you get? Then again it makes sense if they can't/refuse to read descriptions and follow instructions.

I'm all for this, very useful, much good.

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In response to post #11635654. #11638727, #11640672 are all replies on the same post.

I was giving the same reply when those privacy concerns came up in the discussion in the Mod Authors' forums before the feature was introduced.

You come to my mod page, post a comment either with issues and a request for help or with praises or whatever.
From this I know you downloaded my mod, and very much 'expect' you to also have downloaded the requirements, or to do so very soon in future when I tell you you have to.

What information does this new feature give me now, when I only know for certain you indeed did download my mod, and you did indeed download its requirements as well, which you didn't already give me just by posting in my comments?... Right, none at all.

Where is it giving me information you don't want me to have, when you already gave all this information to me just by commenting? I fail to see a justification for the privacy concern. It is a non-issue.
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Would you please make the hot files section work properly again in the not too distant future? It would have been an act of politeness towards the modding community to tell them that current releases won't have a chance to hit the front page atm., so that we could have decided if we want to keep our mods on hold until the related issues are fixed.


Thank you!!

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In response to post #11651242.

It also makes it easier for mod users too. If you think about it, it also offers quick links to the mods you need for faster download. Some authors don't use bbcode in their descriptions to make the links actual links, so it would be more clicking since you have to copy-paste the said link in the address bar manually. (though I don't mind either way) Edited by eSoDian
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In response to post #11651242. #11652838 is also a reply to the same post.

Not exactly, no. The Requirements Pop-Up the entries of which are used for this now already was in use since... forgot how many years back it is now. Now it's only shoven right before your eyes when you click a download, whereas previously it was only that little icon next to the endorsements and stats, which only told it's for "Requirements" when you hovered your mouse over it, easy to miss.

They didn't reinvent the wheel here. They just hammered it right onto your windscreen now to make you aware of its existance.
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In response to post #11617699.

Not to be off topic--not Canadian...from the wild and wonderful Mountains of West Virginis (and yes we have black bear here.)


Though I have two words here...trapper keeper.



*nods* I checked your profile before I made the comment :D


On topic (we have such a thing?), I have only encountered the notification pop-up once so far (while downloading a file update), and even though it made me stop for a moment, I instantly accepted it being there. By making me stop and read what it was, it was doing the job it was supposed to: make the user aware that there were required files that I may need to aquire if I had not already done so. I am all for keeping it in use.

Edited by Druuler
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I have noticed an issue with this. The mod GDO I recently uninstalled along with all my other mods to check compatabilities. While reinstalling I notice that it says I require mods that have nothing to do with it : apachii sky hair. So I deleted both and reinstalled. A simple fix, but for those with less common sense, maybe not so simple. It may just be an error with GDOs spike file, which I highly suspect, but just wanted to give a heads up that it may have something to do with this new system or could perhaps lead to a more streamlined process.
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