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shade's past


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to keep myself busy while i think of the next chapter of 'the dead will burn' i'm going to write some short stories about wildfire and shades past. they are stand alone stories and should not be Considered new chapters in my Series. this one is written from shades point of view also i go by Dante's Inferno. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_hell


on to the story


“Good morning lady. It’s time to get up.” My response was 3 shuriken aimed at the direction of the demons voice. “That was uncalled for!” the voice yelled. Damn…he ducked in time. Maybe more will work. I reached under the bed and grabbed a handful of shuriken and hurled them at the voice. “OK! OK! I’m going!”. My third volley hit the closed door. At least he got the point.


Well, I’m awake now. No sense staying in bed. As I got to my feet I heard the door opening again. A small demon came in. “good morning lady nightshade, I’m-“


“I don’t care what your name is. You’re all the same to me. Just tell me if I have anything to do today.” I hate mornings….


“Yes of course.” He flipped through the papers he was holding. “you have nothing going on today.” That was the best thing I heard so far today. I noticed two shuriken laying on my bed. I picked them up and threw them at the target on the door. “ I doubt you father would approve of your favorite pastime.”


“I don’t care what he thinks….where is he?”


“I believe that he’s at the ninth circle”


THAT was the best thing I’ve heard so far today. He’ll be there all day.”I’m going out”


“and where are you going may I ask?”


“the fifth circle” i said.


“here we go again” the demon mumbled as he left the room. I quickly threw on my favorite clothes and grabbed my shuriken and daggers and ran off to the brawl…...




kudos for whoever knows the name of her father

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Lord of the Flies is a common name for the Devil but that are many other names such as Asmodius, the Beast, Prince of Darkness, etc. Lucifer is actually a controversial term not accepted by all. Names are often of earlier pagan gods that early christians were trying to discredit.
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Story is good!


A little more description would be good!


Looking forward to seeing how the Devil's daughter fares.

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