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Free Microsoft Office is coming!


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Yea i know about openoffice, i use it in linux once in awhile. Its not as good as office though.

indeed OpenOffice is better, it is ODA (open document architecture) and afterwards ODF (open document format) ISO 8613 compliant (instead to force self patterns over the user).


PS: Since MS Office is the most incompatible office application with MS Office of 'superior' versions, you can conclude for yourself...


just wondering: MS Office is MS's main incomings source. If the OP report proceeds I can see it just as a way for 'damping' the concurrence, things are very unclear here.

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Does anyone know a good alternative to outlook express, and one compatible for linux.


witch openoffice does not have.

Mozilla Thunderbird?


Anyway I understand MS Office is NOT being turned free, just some web facilities...


Once upon a time a friend of mine got a ISP package which installing documentation was online. I got it for him and went to his home to help installing things.

There we did try to open those wonderful .doc in his shinning MS-Office just to discover it was done in a latest version without the 'version xyz compatible mode'...

Sadly this little tale is from a time where OpenOffice did not exist yet (there was a Star Office around, but we did not have it for Murphy's sake)...


Well, the history did have a happy end but not before some hatreds in the meanwhile...

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