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Please Please Please, links & page creation are sush a frustration


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Kia ora


Can wee pretty please have a means to add links that is not written embedded programming.


An icon with a box allows:



Title/text: that becomes the link shown as hot text in the post


URL: the URL link to the page


and this would need to work on both sites, I just find I end up with a frustrating mess

trying to make links to pages like patch's for my mod and depending on which site I edit on

depends on where the mess ends up, mostly a mess on both sites, just looks like a different

mess. it seems if your not versed html, xml, php, BB what ever coding language's your up the

creek for making great pages.




This is beautiful:




As is this:




I have no idea how (or where to learn how) to do pages like this. and the upload/page creation tools don't show us that

as I can see it


Got a head option and some box's to add text and links, that turn out like HTTP etc




Plain text unless you know how to code I guess.


Spoilers look/work great on the forums and are crap on the files pages posts tab, replies look great and sit in

a tree off the post they reply to on the files site, and look like a bunch of numbers that mean nothing and don't

even like to the post they reply too on the forums


Please guys I know you bust your A's for us and I am thankful, really I am. some of us are not programmers or software

engineer's and it's the likes of me that making the sites look bad because I don't know the skills. some uniformity between

site would go along way. I know there's a link box in this editor but it does not allow a tile/text that will become the link


Help us out, pretty please


Again I thank you for your efforts I know you all work hard for us


PS see how sucky the links in the post look

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It's actually quite easy.


I may be the hardcore coder now, so not exactly someone to say what's easy and what's not, and me always typing in the BB code myself and never using the buttons also doesn't exactly qualify me as someone to tell you, but using the button from the editor you just have to 'highlight' the text that should become the link first, then click the button, then enter the url it should link to. Done.


For comparison, my approach when typing it into the post fields always looks like this:


And the result looks like this:


(albeit non-functional, as the url doesn't exist)


(On some environments, be it file site or forums, it may require the url to be enclosed in doublequotes {"}, but I'm not sure anymore where that was.)


Unfortunately the devs can't really do much about it, like synchronizing the different environments so BB codes always produce the same result. It isn't their decision it doesn't look the same to begin with. They're bound to the possibilities the IP.Board software frameworks used on both ends offer them, and they're not exactly compatible with each other. I'm not even sure the framework used on the file sites even is IP.Board software, as it isn't exactly telling anything about it.


Likewise you can't simply change it so both ends use the same framework, as the one is exclusively for forums, like this one, and the other for... well, what you see on the file sites. There's not much they actually can do, and the little inter-communication they managed to achieve through using the same database for the posts might as well be as far as you can go, technically.


To begin with, there isn't even a "reply to" button in the framework used for the forum, as it can't be done the way the forum posts are currently laid out and organized, while on file site there definitely is.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Kia ora


Thank you for that reply. I will cut paste that wee tutorial for my later use and keep in mind

the facts on the sites structures etc.


Kudos to you you have been most helpful.


I used your code example on the files site and it worked like a charm, thank you so much

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Yeah, in other words, "One has to learn the language and tools necessary for the environment."


That's not really asking too much, now is it? :dry:

Maybe not, if I was 30 years younger it'd be much much easy'er.


CRAFT is a nasty think to have play on your mind


Edited to take out my mistakes

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The IMG tag you used was used correctly, but the url entered doesn't lead to an image file. It's easily spotted by it not referencing an actual file with an extension like "myimage001.jpg" or something, but only a folder ".../".

While there are ways for such urls to still give back an image, when I enter this one into my browser I'm only getting an Error page from Flickr that this is no valid url.


Knowing those image hosts there should be a selection of links for every image, giving "direct" access, diverse examples for in-forum usage, including but not limited to a complete line of BB code to enter right into here and it'll work.

Though no idea where you might have gotten that url you used from, as it's none of neither.



The IFrame line you posted is no BB. It's plain HTML and cannot be done in forum posts here.

It is meant to be an interactive player element, like a slideshow perhaps, but again Flickr doesn't even know the url when I try it. Some important part must be missing from it.

And I know of no BB-counterpart for this kind of functionality either.



Led by those malfunctioning urls to your image stream though I was able to gather some real examples for you as well as figure out how to access these on Flickr.


When you browse your foto stream and click on one of the images, it opens in larger with a lot of options underneath. Among these is a little star, a speech bubble and a little window with an arrow coming out of it saying something along the line of "further ways to share your image". If you click this, it presents you with an area of social share buttons which aren't exactly useful in forums, among other useless code examples further down, thus you click the "HTML/BBCode" line to open another section of it, then select "BBCode" from the 3 radio buttons (everything else will be useless in BBCode forums), choose an appropriate size, then copy the code given to you.


I must admit the code they're giving is a little much just for embedding an image in your post:

[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/94082858@N07/9549732905/]ScreenShot102[/url] von [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/94082858@N07/]Kiwi-Hawk[/url] auf Flickr

Producing this result:

ScreenShot102 von Kiwi-Hawk auf Flickr

A complete clickable preview image leading you back to the Flickr page where you can view all versions of it, as well as additional info about the file and its owner, including a link to your profile on Flickr.

(way too much stuff imho)


The only really interesting part for you is the IMG tag line:


Producing exactly this result:


However, the link back to the Flickr page for close-ups and other views might not be exactly a bad idea. Ignoring the 2nd line would in most cases likely be more than sufficient to embed your Flickr images here, and also very comfortable to your viewers already.


I'm a little shocked actually that in their "Link" to the image line they're only giving a link to the Flickr page of your image, not to the actual image file (talk about misleading your users), and they're entirely lacking a way to direct link your image even... but I guess that's Flickr to you. (I prefer ImageShack *duck & run*)

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Kia ora


I looked at the full BB code and I see the img tag's so I guess with flickr I need to cut that part out to make my links



[/url][url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/94082858@N07/12263642223/]AetherialCrownREPLACER02[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/94082858@N07/]Kiwi-Hawk[/url], on Flickr

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Use the WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get) to write out your page how you want it

Click the button in the top-left corner that looks like a tiny switch

All your text is turned in to BBCode

Copy and paste the BBCode in to your file description

Hope it works

DON'T POST THE NEW TOPIC! Just use it to get your description looking right then leave the page without posting it :P

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Kia ora


Thank you very much for that


I'm going to bookmark this thread for later reference and or cut paste the help into a note pad page

and save on my machine, remembering stuff is the hard part ay

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