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NMM 0.47.0 "forced" update to fix the download issues


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I've got this issue too: nmm works well this morning after download and install the new version (from 0.47.0 to 0.47.1), but for an hour now, "Cannot reach the Nexus login server".

I can't download through the manager, either I can't manually add an addon. But I can download the mod with my premium access with my bowser...

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the last is the crap with the new Modmanager. who come up with that has the you should log on to a mod which one has previously downloaded manually from the page to situate the shot heard. sry but I'm really pissed.

well, while I can understand being frustrated, I don't think anyone should really be getting mad, given this is stated as an Open Beta piece of software, and from my years in the video game industry, I've never known software engineers and programmers to be very forward thinking for the most part, so this sort of issue kind of goes with the territory. Ultimately, give as much information as you can about what 'is' happening, so developers can target the issue and we receive an expedited fix. People like to say that 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease', but in reality, complaining never gets the kind of results that kindness achieves. ^^

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The older NMM would at least let me install a mod from local disk if the NMM login manager was down (as it often is). Today, it won't even do that. This is a loss of functionality, and further frustrating because the bug was introduced in a forced "upgrade".
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All of a sudden, I am getting a message when I INSTALL mods..."The selected plugin has been manually removed. Restart NMM or select again your game on Change Game Mode to refresh the plugin list." I can no longer install new mods...any time I enable or disable mods/plugins...I get that message even with NEW mods I try to add...it makes no sense...everything used to work just fine, now I have an unmanageable mod manager...which has locked ALL related files to FNV to "read-only"...all I ask is "Why?" and "How do I fix this?", ...and all I hear is silence...it's been a week now...yes...I did an uninstall/reinstall of NMM as you normally had to in the past when a new version came out, yes I validated my cache files and danced around with a bloody chicken foot in one hand and a bone in my hair under a full moon, while drinking rum and...you get the idea...I told the install to make all files "not read-only" and to "remember my selection" (like, who wouldn't ?) I want it to work right...that's all...I've submitted bug reports, contacted mod makers of the mods I tried to install, bugged people in chats, and in real life...it's kinda like I'm screaming into the VOID, and getting NO reply at all...Roachbait
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