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No download links are working?


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Hello. I'm new the the ES4 Nexus, been using FO3 Nexus for about a week though. This is probably a known issue and I'm sorry if this is the 1000th thread about it. But every single download link I click on for a mod is dead. My only option is to try the mirrors or find it somewhere else. What's the deal here, Oblivion Nexus is still in service right? I hope its just server downtime and not the site itself going out of fashion.
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Well I started out with the most popular stuff on the Top 100 list. Hentai Mania, EyeCandy, Unofficial Patch, Mod Manager, etc. I got the patch and mod manager from mirrors but the mods themselves are all dead links so far. I just noticed a message from the site administrators saying some people may need to reupload their mods. Looks like these guys may need to do so.
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I'm still having this problem with no links working and its driving me crazy. Absolutely nothing works for me but apparently everyone else is still able to download. All I'm getting are 404 Errors. Someone please help if possible, I have no idea what could be causing this. ,_,
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See if you can get this to work. It is as simple as I could make it. And includes a small download from TesNexus.


I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you. Please be honest and don't worry about hurting my feelings with criticism as I have a thick skin.

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Have you got a download accelerator, HTTP accelerator or an over-zealous firewall? If you are getting 404 errors it could either be your firewall/anti-virus stopping your file downloads (TESNexus uses a slightly different system for serving downloads by serving files through PHP) or it could be that you're starting too many connections to the server in too short a space of time.
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OMG I figured it out. It was NoScript, a FireFox plugin that blocks all active content on websites unless you make an exception. Turns out I had forgot to do that for TESNexus, and the downloads wouldn't work in Internet Explorer either because I kept using all those invalid links [that I was forwarded to]. Everything should work fine now. Thanks you guys for trying to help me out, I really do appreciate it.
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