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How far do you take Roleplaying?


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Hey. I've always wondered if everyone roleplayed atleast a little. By roleplaying i mean creating a backstory, eating 2 - 3 times a day, sleeping every day, etc. You know, roleplaying. I dont mean creating a character with 1 or 2 specialtys or something. Trying to be realistic is roleplaying in some ways.



I take role playing as far as, whenever i kill somebody and dont want to get caught, i never go near the body for a day or two.I always make a small backstory since i use an alternate start mod. I also never fast travel unless its from one end of the map to the other or something like that. Also during exploration, i always carry drinks and food.


So do you roleplay alot?or just a little?

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a lot :D


My PC wakes up at 6 a.m., has a bath and has breakfast. Then she goes to the shop and gets items for the adventure she's going on. (she's conflicted at the moment on the main questline :P)


Yeah I like to RP lol.

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it really depends on what mood I'm in


Sometimes i just run around from dungeon to dungeon and kill people, take their weapons, and sell them in town.


Then when i get bored of that, I buy a house.

I go to the local store every day to buy food.

I go to the chapel every week.

I'll hang out at the bar in the afternoon.

And I'll even dress up and go talk to the count or countess once and awhile.


Then eventually i get bored of that,

and i just go out and raid dungeons again.

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If I had patience for it... XD


I do have a few mods for roleplaying ready to install... And I'd love to do some sort of graphical story, but it's a bit of time consuming and I just can't play the game without having fun xD (And my english writting skills suck... D: )


But usually I camp when I need to sleep, bring a sack with food for those eating and drinking needs mods :P. I write on my player's diary... I might get that bathing mod o_O

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If I had patience for it... XD


I do have a few mods for roleplaying ready to install... And I'd love to do some sort of graphical story, but it's a bit of time consuming and I just can't play the game without having fun xD (And my english writting skills suck... D: )


But usually I camp when I need to sleep, bring a sack with food for those eating and drinking needs mods :P. I write on my player's diary... I might get that bathing mod o_O



Can you tell me where to find the eating and drinking need mods?


Oh and my normal schedule for a non dungeon romping is this.


Wake up at 7 am


Eat breakfast


Go to the market district and talk to people, do parts of a quest, and stuff


every week i buy some food


some times i dress in full black hand robes and kill rich people


I never go to a chapel since my mystic elf isnt religious.

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I don't roleplay much ingame, but I create elaborate backstories for every character. Sometimes I just play the person and a story will eventually come to mind from something random that happens in the game or from the way I play the character. Sometimes I even make backstories based off of screenshots I take of my characters. But other than that, I don't roleplay. I don't have the patience to wake up at a certain time and eat every day, take baths, talk to people, etc. I mostly play just to take screenshots, so would probably roleplay more if I actually played the game instead of just running around looking for nice scenics or those new clothes I just downloaded.
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i make 5 new characters everyday and attempt to play "realistically" and then realise its boring, sad, and pointless because none of the NPCs are real. then i realise how pointless playing the game is, so then i just make a 7th character and then check the latest mods for skimpy female outfits that use my prefered body type hoping that it will make the game fun. but it never does. then i go to play a pointless boring mmo thinking that the next few mmos that are coming out will be fun, but they wont be.


then i watch the A-Team and look around my home and think about cleaning up, then i play oblivion again and use a player home mod to have an awesome big house then that gets boring before it starts. then i go to bed and role play in my head that i'm a super powerful martial artist in the oblivion game world and go on adventures with a few made up people and go to sleep realising that thinking about adventures for 15 minutes before i sleep is more fun than having adventures in my videogames for 15 hours. then i have a disturbing dream with creepy ghost girls popping and locking down the hall way while its thundering outside, then i wake up too afraid to go back to sleep and even more afraid of the whats hiding in the dark since im no longer in a dream, then i some how fall back to sleep and dream about zombies, which somehow isnt so bad, then i wake up and go to work














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Ofc i roleplay since i finished the whole bloody game (all quests expect the never ending ones like arena)


I travel by foot (don't use fast travel, neither do i use horse since i have high speed and athletics) eat every day, sleep every night even in wild since i use camp mod (it rox). I go to shop to buy new potions (high level warrior character mastered in blunt,blade,block) to buy food, i also own all houses in every town.

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