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Dungeon Siege 2


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I bought Dungeon Siege 1 and after I got over my initial disappointment, I played the game for what it was, a mindless hack and slash. I ended up being impressed by some of the locations and creative helmets...but little else.


Gasworks promised a complete revamp of the game adding greatly to the RPG experience, though I was already very suspicious when they said they were making little changes to the original engine. Some sequel.


Now I have just found out that not only is it as extremely linear as the first...but the 'save anytime you want' option has been completely obliterated! Now you can only save after completing missions, ala Mafia or Hitman.


That dog's just not gonna hunt! If anything this game is going to be an even bigger backslide into the rubbish rpg hell occupied by Dungeon Lords, Neverwinter Nights and oh just too many MMORPGs to mention.


From the sounds of things, buy it if you are bored and desperate, or better yet don't waste your money and wait until Oblivion instead.

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I got the demo yesterday and played it... you could save anywhere. But you only got one save file per character. You couldn't create multiple ones, which was a bit sucky.


Still, I think it was rather lazy of them not to revamp the engine very much. Microsoft working on a budget when they don't need to as per usual. :rolleyes: Really the graphics haven't improved much if at all.


Once again, a mindless hack n slash. Quite fun. Nothing too great... would have been more honest to call it an expansion pack methinks.


EDIT: Oh almost forgot, the dialogue is horribly linear, as is the game. I mean seriously. You're lucky if you get even two options in how to reply. Words are literally shoved into your mouth. Your character's personality is shaped for you pretty much. How that adds to the roleplaying experience I don't know. :P

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I am enjoying Dungeon Siege 2 far more then the first one.

The story is better, graphics are not as good as I thought they would be but still the areas look nice.

It is still quite linear but you get the choice of sub-quests that can be done now as well.

Also it is far more rpg'ish then the first one by adding an ability tree where you can put 1 point in for each time you level to customize the character(s) to suit you better. For instance warriors can choice if they want to go with a shield and sword , a two handed sword or dual weild style. The original skill increase is there, only way to increase your skills is to use that skill , mele , nature , combat magic etc.



Some downsides with it though is that good loot and money is far to common.

From quite early in the game I had the best equipment you could buy and close to several sets of "rare" armor. At one point I had 6 of the same "rare collection" ring that gave me an major boost in stats and made it a bit unbalanced.


Also the save system is just stupid, you can save at any point but it does not save your location and there is no load option , only resume when you start up the game. So when you want to continue you always start in the city on the current act. Thankfully there is alot of teleporters around but not enough by far to stop down on the timewaste when you resume your game. Also unless you want to waste alot of time the next time you have to wait with quitting the game untill you find the next teleporter.


But still I think it is a good game thats worth a try unless you really hate diablo playstyle (point click click click).

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Well, I should have stated that it was only my opinion. I never really hated the first one, but there was very limited replay value for me.


I think the biggest problem is caused by it being labelled an RPG...which it clearly is not. If it was marketed properly as an action hack and slash in the first place, it would have more than likely had a better reception.

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I liked both the original Dungeon Siege and the original Neverwinter Nights. Generally though I find myself playing these games for the storyline, rather than for the gameplay. Not that they were good, but still...


Games like DS and Diablo are always entertaining for me since they require very little mental effort. This means I can listen to music in the background, and since I've got so much new stuff that needs listening to it's nice to have a game that I can play mindlessly while listening. Can't really do it in BF2, for instance! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I started playing the game today.


The Cons

  • They spelt the name wrong. This game is DIABLO SIEGE, not Dungeon Siege 2.
  • This is exactly the same game as Dungeon Siege as far as the graphics and engine are concerned, and yet it's taken them 3 and half years to make? WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY DOING DURING THIS TIME?
  • Gas Powered Games acknowledged the short-comings of the original game and have done nothing about them in the sequel
  • The voice acting is done by 12 year olds, or tramps that they found off the street. It's absolutely TERRIBLE, quite literally on par with Val Kilmer and George Clooney as Batman for worst piece of crap ever for casting
  • Why the hell are NPCs rewarding me with 3 rare items at a time for completing quests? Doesn't it defeat the point of rare items being rare if they're easily available? My PC has a full set of rare armour. I've been playing for about 3 hours
  • Only 1 save file

The Pros

  • They didn't change anything. You can pick this game up in seconds as long as you remember the original
  • The video clips before the acts are good (ALA Diablo)
  • Easy to use compass
  • Haven't had any problems with the following AI, which is good for a party based game. For instance, party members will wait for everyone to get on a lift before pulling the lever

Has anyone played this game past Act 1 who can tell me whether there are ANY links between Dungeon Siege 1 and Dungeon Siege 2? So far I've had a historian make reference to the Empire of the Stars, which, if I remember correctly, was the name of the human empire in Dungeon Siege 1. If not, why isn't this game called something different? Infact, why is this game called Dungeon Siege at all? I've only been in one "dungeon" so far, and it sucked.


Anyone else actually playing this?

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Ugh...just completed the game. I'm not happy.


To me DS2 was like Sacred. Crap game where you simply had to hold down the RMB. The toughest choice in the game is picking which armour you'd rather have, higher DPS or more health/mana. Tough choices there, I tell you.


But, just like Sacred, you decide that you've started playing now, you're already half-way through, you might as well see how the storyline plays out. Funnily enough it ends in exactly the same "GET THE UP AND COMING EXPANSION TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS!!!111oneoneone" way. Sounds like something Microsoft would do.


And they're expecting me to play through the game AGAIN just so I can get 6 people in my group? Screw that, I just downloaded a mod that lets me get 6 people from the offset.


It seems like none of these new games can compete with the Diablos of this world, and I can't quite put a finger on why that is. Anyone have any ideas?

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Because they're all mindless clones made by companies looking to make a quick buck, perhaps? :D


The graphics in Diablo & Diablo 2 were strangely appealing. Mashing through hordes of enemies was just... satisfying. The items weren't easy to get, you weren't finding a rare every 5 seconds, and had to go to some lengths to get them. If you found a yellow item, it was an event, an achievement. If you found something rarer, woohoo! They did seem to be very good at setting a real atmosphere to each place you visited, too. I dunno, Diablo was just something special. Maybe just because they were the first real hack n slash games, and anything after them is just going to seem boring?


Although, BG: Dark Alliance isn't bad. :D

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I played DS1 and got to the end and quit right before almost beating it. I used to play with my freinds with COOP over the lan, I hope they have that in DS2, the internet play was sucky and laggy, and you needed somone your same lvl to grind with.


maybee DS2 is a let down but if we buy it maybee they will have enuff money to make a good DS3. But nah screw it oblivion will dominate all gammers time for at least a long time, no time for Dungeon Siege.

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