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Wisdom Teeth


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I'm sure that many of the people here have had wisdom teeth and probably remember the experience. I just found out today that I have one growing in behind my bottom left molar. It doesnt hurt right now, but it is certanly an annoyance. I was wondering if those of you who have had them pulled, if you could tell me the process and such. Like, how long it takes; is it painful (I can deal with pain, but not in my mouth); are the days following painful? More than likely it will be done after school starts (which starts on September 6th). I have a dentist appointment on August 30th, so I will talk to my dentist then, but I have a feeling it will be delt with within a month.
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Hey Adras, I had to have all four of mine cut out in June.


So unfortunately, I have no real experience about them being pulled. The worst part for me was waking up after the op. I felt like utter kak. You will not have to go through that though.


I spat blood out for a day...chunks of it in the morning as it had dried out.


Because of the intensity of the op, normal pain killers were not good enough....I had to take suppositories. (For those not in the know, they were giant capsules that I had to shove up my rectum.) So actually...forget what I said earlier. That was the worst part.


I got a week off of work, but I was in a lot of discomfort...I was supposed to wear a stupid icepack around my whole head...which I hated so much I chucked after a day...healed fine without it.



So listen mate, you have nothing to worry about, a bit of discomort and that's all...good luck and enjoy people making a fuss over you.

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All I can tell you is that you DO feel something but it is not pain. They will numb your mouth and you will feel like a pressure, but no pain what so ever. Depending on where the tooth is, they might have to do more work, but as Stampede says, you have nothing to worrie about.
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My worst experience was when I was twelve I had 16 fillings and two teeth pulled. Then I wore a brace for three months that dug into and scarred the roof of my mouth. My wisdom teeth came through with only one problem. The teeth were fine but I never found the wisdom.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to kick this topic up again... but i've got this great explanation of why the thing is called the wisdom teeth... I'll tell you guys from the start, you won't believe me, but it is true.


In Dutch (yes i am Dutch) it is called the "verstands kies" "Kies" is the teeth, "verstands" means something like Wisdom. Now i hear you guys thinking. Yeah so, you translated it. NO i Didn't, coz in original Dutch it was called "Ver stands kies" wich means as much as: a teeth far away. And it is... coz it is the teeth the furthest in your mouth.

So if you leave the space (that is how we pronounce it nowadays) you have "Verstandskies" The english translated that litteraly into Wisdom..


HA, here you have it, a completely useless bit of information, the way the Dutch are an influence in the entire world :D :laugh2:

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