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NMM 0.47.2 bugfix update released


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  On 2/13/2014 at 2:34 PM, Dark0ne said:

Or login to NMM, then click the update button in the top-right corner.



  On 2/13/2014 at 2:20 PM, Thandal said:


  On 2/13/2014 at 8:53 AM, Ryker61 said:

NMM has been updated to 0.47.3, and I'm on 0.47.1. For some reason, NMM will not update to the new version. I've tried closing it down and reopening it, but it's not updating.


Go to any of the game files pages and click the "0.47.3" link at the top.

Download and install the new version OVER the previous one. :thumbsup:



Okay, I've found the problem. I just saw at the bottom of NMM that I'm not logged in. There's no Login/Logout button at the top, so I'll have to re download the new NMM.

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Great! But some of these replies to posts that have been clearly just suggestions, not demands mind you, have been of the tone "Don't like it? Do it yourself!" Seems pretty contradictory. I don't mean to be snarky or whiny, but frankly you guys are acting kinda rude. Not that commentors don't or don't deserve it sometimes but still. I feel as though I'm reasonable in pointing this out, just the concerns of a long-time nexus user.




When someone says "That is such necessary stuff which should have been integrated a long time before." it's not a suggestion, it's an attempted veiled attack/insult in the form of a suggestion. Clearly, I don't respond well to them. You can say "you should respond better to them" but I'd rather just say "don't act like an ass and I won't either" :smile:


Straight from "Dark0ne's school of terrible PR".

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In response to post #11923235.

My latest info is gone as well. Slightly annoying, considering I haven't played Skyrim in a couple of months now, so I know some mods will need updated, but no I have no idea which ones.
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@megablakk1d & @KungfuTeddybear; Did you use the "Check for updates" tool? That info isn't populated until you check. This behaviour is by-design, and was introduced with one of the latest versions to cut down on the server traffic being generated by all the NMM users. (As Dark0ne explained in the News Article about the release, and in the Release Notes.)

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I have downloaded the latest version of nmm as I have a new computer. when I click on it to install it nothing happens. I have tried clicking, double clicking, right click and open, right click and run as admin', and even tried swearing at the computer. I downloaded another copy and still the same. even tried using the old one I had and still the same. if anyone knows how to fix or get around this problem, HELP.
<RL email address snipped>

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Please don't your post email address in a public forum. Use the PM system to exchange that sort of info. Thx!
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I still can't log into nexusmods from the homepage. Having to remove the cookie for the website before visiting the site and removing again after every time I visit the homepage after having logged in. Can log in from mod subpages though. A few people have been getting this for a few weeks now :(
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Is it just me or have the downloads slowed to a crawl since this update? It's downloading at a speed of ~30kb/s, which is a bit ridiculous. Has nothing to do with my connection, before anyone suggests that.


EDIT: Nevermind. Seems to have resolved itself.

Edited by KropTor
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