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School Courses


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Well as the school year begins in the united states. I'd thought it'd be interesting to know what classes ur taken.


I'm taking...


English Grade 11


Physical Education

Concert Band

Advanced Concert Band

Social Studies Grade 11

Math Level 3

Computer Aid and Design

3D Animation

Web Page Design

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The regular course was Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with; and then the different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.

- Lewis Carroll


Seriously though, I'm not a student except in the most informal sense.

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Junior Class. Course levels are as follows: Review, Regular, Honours, G/T [Gifted and Talented], and Advanced Placement [AP], with Review being the lowest, and AP being the highest.


English 11 G/T

Music Technology

Pre-Calculus G/T

Chemistry G/T

Modern World History AP

Photography I

German III

Art II G/T

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Wow a lot of people on these forums are in their Jumior year of High School.


Well look at it this way...


Two more years of school then College where you get to party a lot. :D :D :D


Thats what I'm talkin about.


BTW how many of you are planning to go to college.

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Planning on it. Columbia or Stanford. Looking at a straight 4.0 in top-level classes so far, so hopefully I'll be able to get in.


Here's how I look at it - you work hard in school to get into a good college. Good colleges are alot of hard work. So you work hard to get a good job. Then you work hard at the good job for the rest of your life until you die.


Pessimistic, eh?

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oh i am so jelous of your school system...


here we learn about everything..everything we cant use for anything..in the first 8 years..primary school


then comes 4 year when we again learn the good for nothing again in detail..secondary grammar school


then finally we can learn what we wanted to on the university and apart from that..learn about so much pointless things again..

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Well i'm from the UK and after getting my GCSE results (which were good by the way :D ) i'm going to start college next week.


Taking: English Language

Media Studies

Performance Arts

Film Studies


I have to say that your educational system over there looks very interesting, 'Mythology' even 'Weight Training' wow.

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