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ESO engine vs. Skyrim engine


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Ok, So after a weekend of rockin ESO BETA. I have to wonder how the 2 companies (Beth and Zenimax) could be owned by the same mother and have such radically different engines. Without saying too much, the ESO engine is vastly superior. Now, I am not familiar with how engines actually work at the technical level but I do know that Skyrim with good graphics and steady frames takes much effort and attention upon having a good to great gpu. ESO on the other hand has good to great graphics considering and frames are steady beyond belief even in the 30 fps range. I am aware of my NDA and am keen to retain my BETA standing and the element of surprise for those who haven't played yet. I however cant help but be disappointed in skyrims limits. ESO is so smooth with graphics that match the wants and capabilities of current gamers while allowing the low end rigs to play as well.



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Dont get me wrong; I don't mean for this to be a debate but vanilla skyrim doesn't offer much detail. I would however agree if we were talking about a modded skyrim. Might I ask you to clarify what exactly you mean by level of detail?



He must mean modded. I've looked at plenty of Skyrim's meshes in 3DS Max and they're not really all that detailed. All that really sets Oblivion and Skyrim apart at the end of the day are texture resolutions and character models. Architecture and landscape meshes haven't really improved by much. Keep in mind I'm talking chiefly graphics. Skyrim's new scripting language is rather irrelevant to this discussion.


ESO does appear to have superior architecture models compared to Skyrim btw.

Edited by Kraeten
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Ok, So after a weekend of rockin ESO BETA. I have to wonder how the 2 companies (Beth and Zenimax) could be owned by the same mother and have such radically different engines. Without saying too much, the ESO engine is vastly superior. Now, I am not familiar with how engines actually work at the technical level but I do know that Skyrim with good graphics and steady frames takes much effort and attention upon having a good to great gpu. ESO on the other hand has good to great graphics considering and frames are steady beyond belief even in the 30 fps range. I am aware of my NDA and am keen to retain my BETA standing and the element of surprise for those who haven't played yet. I however cant help but be disappointed in skyrims limits. ESO is so smooth with graphics that match the wants and capabilities of current gamers while allowing the low end rigs to play as well.



the ESO engine is a upgraded version of the old Dark age of camelot MMO and certainly not new nor superior

the DAOC is pretty limited and does not allow for any extensive sandbox gameplay or serous expansions , one of the major downfalls of that old mmo


all rgz other game mechanics you see been used in other mmos before , including the combat andf magic system

if you expected a multi player version of the TES series like zenimax so like to advertise people will be very disapointed and for the exêrienced MMO players among us , it offers nothing new or exsiting just looks like another WoW clone with better graphics


12 mil + coîes pf skyrim sod now that would be a great target audience for a mmo , but no wthey want WoW subscriptions so they made another medioroc WoW clone like there are 2 dozen other already available


indeed the graphics look good for this kind of mmo but i was spoiled with my own enb and found them pretty dullafter a while

the whole combat and magic still feels clunky and unwielding


and still nothing been done to make the so called exploration ( in all honesty its a big joke ) more fluid and tmmersve

pvp is still laughable with rewards / penalties so neglibe you wonder why its there for

all i saw was another themepark where the developers constantly need to hold their customers hands in order to keep them active

Edited by kleinstaff
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Of course it's going to appear superior in certain aspects, since it was made for PC first. Skyrim has a metric crapton of behind-the-scenes concessions to make it work on ancient console hardware. Things like texture quality and sound are much more consistent in TESO, although that's not strictly an engine thing.

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