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isit possible to play modded skyrim with no crash at all?


my specs - intel i7 4770k 3.5 16gb ram nvidia gtx 670 gtx 2gb


my mods


Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
Clanking Armor.esp
Immersive Sounds - Aural Assortment.esp
Immersive Sounds - Magic.esp
Immersive Sounds - Weaponry.esp
Solstheim Music in Skyrim.esp
extra encounters.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim - Around Cities_bright.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim - Bridges x2 - OnOff_bright.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp
BDYEB Viking Pack.esp
Blue Roman Armor And Weapons.esp
Bulwark of Azzinoth.esp
Celtic and Germanic Armor and Weapons replacer.esp
Celtic and Germanic Armor and Weapons standalone.esp
Ghosu - Hobbit.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
insanity's kahvozein fang.esp
insanity's pale blade.esp
KWTriskele-HD Shield-4K-0.91.esp
Leather Shield.esp
Medium Buckler.esp
Nordic Adventurer's Armor.esp
Old Shield of the Crusader.esp
Orc Cresent Shield.esp
Roman armor and weapons.esp
Roman armor and weapons replacer.esp
Shield of the Crusader Clean.esp
Stark Clean.esp
Stark Rusted.esp
Swordsman Armor.esp
Targaryen Clean.esp
Targaryen Rusted.esp
Templar Clean.esp
Templar Rusted.esp
fellheim-dawnguard free.esp
Immersive Darkwater crossing.esp
Immersive Dawnstar.esp
Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp
Immersive Falkreath.esp
Immersive Ivarstead.esp
Immersive Karthwasten.esp
Immersive Kynesgrove.esp
Immersive Morthal.esp
Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp
Immersive Riverwood.esp
Immersive Rorikstead.esp
Immersive Shors stone.esp
Immersive Stonehills.esp
Immersive Whiterun.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
riften house.esp
Thane's Breezehome.esp
Book Covers Skyrim.esp
Book Covers Dawnguard.esp
Book Covers Hearthfire.esp
Distant DetailHF.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
Lawrens RNG Guards.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
new ravenrock.esp
unique villages dawnstar retexture.esp
winterhold expand.esp
SoS - The Dungeons.esp
ELFX - Exteriors.esp
SoS - The Dungeons-PatchCoTHardcore.esp
larger vampire lord wings.esp
Dwemer Beards.esp
follower pack orcs.esp
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp
My Home Is Your Home.esp
ah_hakar vampire.esp
follower dar'hausin.esp
follower deathscale.esp
follower ortraug.esp
follower oveena.esp
follower qa'raazi.esp
follower ra'girr.esp
request for xessos (dom'nir).esp
Reanimate FX.esp
TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp
Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Khadvak follower.esp
the psijiic order.esp
goliath follower.esp
Unburied's Drain Spells.esp
the divine amulet retexture by andre7890.esp
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I would say yes. I have yet to actually properly play skyrim but I am getting better at stability heres what I do.


start with the unofficial patches and the bare basics of essentials you feel you need. Then PLAY skyrim for about half an hour and make sure it doesnt crash. Or tcl and player.setav speedmult 1000 to fly around over a cup of coffee. then slowly add mods one at a time, I know it seems laborious and painful but this has helped me. I used to chuck all my mods on and expect miracles but it does'nt work that way.


Another important thing I do is on my desktop I make a new text document and document every mod I install with a note on which save it is on after I've installed the mod. example : I install all the patches and play till a have +- 11 saves then I will exit install say, immersive weapons and document that I installed immersive weapons to save -----> 11, this way if the game crashes within the next few mod installs/hours I can slowly backtrack to each save removing the mods on the particular saves they were installed to. This prevents save game corruption and Personally I feel is the only way to safely install mods now.


Also from a new game I disable autosave and do NOT use quicksave at all. just hard saves from the get go.


im running 100 mods and managed to play the whole day today with not one ctd only a couple of c++ crashes but they seem to be completely random but after repairing my c++ library it seems to have stopped touch wood. But no script ctd's


You seem to be running an awful lot of mods there. also I would recommend your bashed patch be moved to the bottom of your load order as I see warmonger armory, havent used it but perhaps it should be included in the bash.


also my response seems a bit technical so not sure if you were looking for a discussion or some help......

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This is gonna be quite the wall of text, for which I'll apologise now. :tongue:


If you get right down to it, modding Skyrim is going to cause crashes at some point. The trick is toeing the line between stable and unstable, and knowing what's going to push you over it and how to avoid that happening. To start, your RAM, while definitely respectable, is basically irrelevant. Skyrim itself caps at 3.1GB before it simply crashes to the desktop. That could be the cause of your troubles there. You've got quite the extensive load order there, after all, with some pretty intensive mods going.


It looks to me like you're using the BOSS. That's an excellent start. I'll also recommend the Startup Memory Editor, which will help with load times and some in-game CTDs. If you have a lot of texture mods (which don't have plugins so won't appear in a BOSS log or plugin list), you might also want to consider ENBoost as well, which changes how the game handles RAM and VRAM usage to help avoid the 3.1GB limit. I'll point out, however, that my experience has been that ENBoost causes more instability for me, not less. But I seem to be in the minority on that.


The goods news, though, is that there's nothing inherently gamebreaking here so far as I can see. That being said, there are some load order troubles here that could be causing you grief. This is by no means a complete list of what's wrong with your load order - I'm not 100% familiar with all the mods you have, after all - but here's a quick summary of what I see at a glance:



  • Like I said, unless I"m very much mistaken you're using BOSS, which is definitely a good thing. But that tells me that the versions of the Unofficial DLC Patches you're using are outdated, as the newest versions are sorted as .esm files. You'll want to update those for sure.




  • You've got Immersive Armors installed. Awesome mod! But you also have a number of mods that are now included in the newest version of IA, such as Bandoliers and Pouches, the Bosmer Armor Pack, and the Stormlord Armor, to name a few. I'd suggest taking a look at the newest version of IA, paying particular attention to the extensive video that Hothtrooper's put together showcasing every single set of armour it now includes. Might help you eliminate a few superfluous plugins, as well as clean up your crafting menus and leveled lists, as well as add to general stability.




  • The newest Book Covers Skyrim now comes in a single .esp file for Legendary/all DLC users. That'll cut down on the number of plugins you've got. Seriously you have a LOT of plugins. :tongue:




  • The Ultimate Follower Overhaul is buggy and, in my experience, does no react well to larger load orders. I suggest Amazing Follower Tweaks or Extended Follower Framework, both of which are lighter on the engine and definitely feel more current, streamlined, and user friendly as far as interface is concerned.




  • Speaking of followers, it looks like you have a LOT of them installed, and a lot that aren't recongised by BOSS. Do you really use them all in a single playthrough? And if you do, that right there could be a HUGE factor in any stability issues you're having. Particularly with mods like Footprints or Wet and Cold which, while both being excellent mods (two of my favourites, personally), are script intensive and can easily cause instability in heavily modded games. If you've got a troupe of followers all leaving footprints and reacting to the weather wearing modded armours through a crowd of mod-generated NPCs all of whom are also leaving footprints and reacting to the weather... that's hard on the game engine, which as I said is limited.




  • Not sure why the divine amulet retexture by andre7890.esp needs to exist. I don't have the mod myself, but its description page lists no feature or option that I can see requiring a plugin file. In fact its description says you can just drop its files in the textures folder. I could be missing something though.




  • Now, I mentioned the BOSS at the start of this. One problem that's likely hurting your stability is the fact that you have a large number of mods that it does not currently recognise, and therefore cannot sort. At the very least you'll want to move your bashed patch to the bottom of the unrecognised plugins list. But you'll also want to take a look at some of the mods that the BOSS doesn't recognise and look into where the best place to sort them would be. For example, you could manually move the DawnofRiften plugin to just below DawnofWindhelm, and the Warmonger Armory plugins to somewhere closer to Immersive Armors.



Now for the bad/less good news. Updating and especially uninstalling mods in the middle of a playthrough is a fantastic way to break existing playthroughs. The only mods that are entirely safe to remove mid-game are texture or mesh replacements, and maybe weapon and armor mods, provided there's no quest or scripts attached to them. Basically what I'm saying is that you'll probably want to start a new game after fixing up your load order and setting up the memory management tweaks I listed above.


Lastly, I strongly suggest taking a good hard look at which mods you use and whether there are any you can live without, be they playerhomes, followers, city overhauls, armours... anything. I personally try to stay as close to 100 or fewer plugins as possible, but your system might be able to handle more than mine - my rig was fantastic two and a half years ago, but it rather mediocre now; I probably need a new graphics card soon, sadly. Not because it's dated but because it's rendered 2000+ hours of Skyrim in its lifetime. :tongue:

Anyway, I hope this helps.

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i am just going to endorse the poster above me

he is right

last 6 months some really good ùods to improve the stability has come out


CTD and memory boost patch

the SMME patch

safety load

and others


it madfe my games much more stable even tho i have 100 plus mods

there is plenty of info you should read about modding on this site and some excellent vids on you tube

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Actually, I have only rarely had a crash playing Skyrim. When it has, it was usually caused by the comuter deciding it absolutely HAD to do something else in addition to running the game, causing poor Windows to get horribly confused.


The few crashes I've had that were due to having a mod/patch was was dependent on a mod I *didn't* have already don't count (that's my own stupid fault).


Admittedly, I don't run hundreds of mods, either....but I don't bash them or anything. I just install 'em with NMM and let BOSS sort 'em out.

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In all honesty, I'm am actually amazed by the number of people who HAVE problems with modding Skyrim, or even just running a vanilla setup. Skyrim was extra buggy when it first came out, no doubt about it. But somewhere around the "LAA" patch, it became a "normal" PC game and ran pretty much how it was intended to run. Most of the remaining Skyrim "issues" were no different from many other games. If you look around the support forums for other games, you see the SAME kinda problems that people ask for help with here; crashes, lag, won't launch, low FPS, etc, etc, etc. There is one big difference, though; most of those other games are not even moddable. For some reason, Skyrim players "expect" the game to run flawlessly with dozens of mods simply dumped into the Data directory. That is simply unrealistic, and I don't know where that expectation originated.


We are LUCKY compared to many other gamers in that our community has very talented and dedicated modders/supporters who continually provide tools and information to make our modding more reliable and more enjoyable. We CAN run dozens, even hundreds, of mods without issues thanks to our dedicated modding (and programming) corps. I have 132 mods in my current setup and have had zero crashes since installing, tweaking, and testing that setup (about 90 hours of play). I'm having more fun with Skyrim now than I did when it first came out. I seriously doubt that even Bethesda would have believed Skyrim could run some of the mod setups that are common now (STEP, GEMS, etc).


I think the best method for serious modding is contained in the S.T.E.P. Guide. It gives a step-by-step (sic) process for setting up a Skyrim installation, adding the tools you need, installing several "fixes" to the base game, and includes a lot of "how-to" and "why" advice. Their other Guides are a gold mine of information and their forums have GREAT examples of problem troubleshooting. Most importantly, STEP shows you the amount of preparation and detail required in order to successfully mod Skyrim in a serious fashion. You CANNOT seriously mod Skyrim by simply installing every mod that looks good with a one-click mod manager and sorting the results; that is GUARANTEED to break your game.

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