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Elder Scrolls Ages?


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Despite what you may have thought from the title, no this is not a question about the age of the Elder Scrolls artifacts, or the age of the game series. What I want to know is; how long lived are the (Main) races of Tamriel?


I know the Humans in E.S have about the same lifespans as us, and the elves vary depending on type and magical affinity, so I guess I'm really asking how long do the Khajiit and Argonians live?

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The sad truth is we don't know enough about the beast races' morphology or anatomy to do anything other than compare them to real life animals, which obviously can only get us so far. Beyond that it's entirely guesswork.


Considering the amount of variety in Khajiit physiology, I'd say that Khajiiti life expectancy varies depending on their lunar form. We only see one of these forms in Skyrim, but there are plenty more of varying sizes. I would imagine that just as in real life, smaller ones have shorter life expediencies while larger varieties live longer. The Suthay-raht that we see in Skyrim probably have a similar lifespan to humans.


Argonians could go either way. Some reptiles can live for hundreds of years, while others live less than 40.

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To be fair, the Dawnguard characters in question are exceptions, not the rule. They're immortal beings who've sold their souls to a Daedric Prince. The fact that they could pre-date the Empire is certainly feasible.

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