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Load order limited


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Okay, you'll probably need to level with me to know how my situation is like.


I spent ages playing Fallout 3 with the 1.5, not realising that Fallout 3 for pc isn't normally such cr-p.

(1.5 would limit the ammount of loaded .bsa's...and I had then three DLC's running...go figure)

But now I'm updated to 1.6.


I use everything to perfectly use mods with F3.

AII, FOMM, FOSE, LB, name it, I have probably worked with it to get it all going fine.

Since I use Vista, it is NOT installed in Program Files.

It runs fine that way, except for mods made by, as someone aptly named it, 'Nifskope noobs'.


Anyway, I love mods of Nexus.

I started off with Oblivion, having a whole load of mods on there. Never had much trouble except for faulty ones.


Anyway, 'the age of F3' comes and I download a whole gallon of new kick-ss mods.

Now, here comes the tricky part.


Suddenly, my load order got so long, mods reached at D6.

And then it happens.


Okay, so I get into Fallout to play, I was in Bigtown. Everything seems fine.

Before, through SCC, I equipped all of them with white Anchorage Power Armor and SAW's from a gun mod. (I just like Bigtown alot, keep it on that)

I fast-travel to Megaton, and suddenly I get <!> errors on the inhabitants. Those imply that there are missing meshes.

I killed the guy with the error, searched through his inventory, took the gun he was wearing (which was another mod one, that was working fine before) and it was indeed that gun that had the <!> error. And I went through other mod things, they all had mesh <!> errors.

My idea is what that the game suddenly had no access to the mesh files and like. Is this what it looks like when AII isn't enabled?

Odd, AII was one of the first things fixed before I used mods. And of course FOSE and FOMM.

I'm an Oblivion veteran, I'd be stupid to not cover these first before getting modded up.


BUT, the insanity doesn't end. I want to make a new save, to then narrow down the problem (assuming at first it was a mod).

I arrive at the Savegame screen, and what do I see? My saves are gone cuckoo


It's asif Fallout couldn't load any information anymore at all.

And as formerly mentioned, using Vista, and NOT installed it in Program Files.


I experimented around, and with lots and LOTS of 'Trial & Error', the cause didn't come from a mod...

It came from my load order. As soon as one mod would reach D0, the formerly mentioned would happen.


The screenshot has just been made. I don't even need to change Cell to have my savegames look...yugh...

One positive: This isn't permanent damage. Upon starting Fallout, my savegames look normal again.

And when my load order doesn't reach D0, it stays good.


I lived with it for a long time, hoping an update would fix it.

1.6 fixed my DLC's, but sure didn't fix the mods' esm's and esp's.


So, fellow folk of the Nexus forums. Can any of you tell me WHAT IN HECK IS GOING ON???

Oh, and if its not too much trouble, how to fix it?

I can't keep pushing off mods. Now I got lucky I could disable clothing mods whereof neither me nor any of my companions wore any of.

I moved alot of guns away from my precious collection...

But it has to stop, this needs to be fixed.



I did a few searches and couldn't find a topic with a similar issue described.

So don't bite my nose off for that, please?

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Let me be clear with you, I haven't heard of or seen this particular problem before, so I can only speculate.


What it sounds is happening is that your game or computer may be running out of or leaking memory


if it's a memory leak IMO only a proper official patch would work.


if it's not that, your system may not have enough ram for all the mods you were using, the only fix IMO would be to upgrade


I wish you luck

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What's your load order?



What's AII?



How many modz are we talking about here?


I got tired of installing around 150



but for your D1 problem or whatever you could just gather up the tiny mods that just add one thing

then with the GECK, add them to the table by making it look like you made edits to them

then save that into a new esp, bammola now 10 of those tiny mods are in one

Just a idea.



The Big RED goofball ! errors were from meshes yeah probably or textures who knows

what's important is it sound kind of a "across the board problem" which suggests that it would

be a archive invailidation invalidated problem, Idk how they fix that, toggle it off an back on

or move to a stand alone version of archive invalidation, also there's the old way they used to do it

which is changing the fallout.ini notepad options which in part maybe the archive invalidation invalidated

does that.


I have heard of people getting someone else's (that doesn't have the problem) notepad.ini files

an replaceing them, but then I've also heard People just deleting the whole folder

which is silly you would lose save games, but you could delete the notepad.ini options files

which they said they come back when you reload fallout.

I still say it's a bad idea.




I would venture to guess that the root cause might have a little to do with your poop ton of mods

but more so would be the quicksave red flag


Pretty much never autosave turn all the autosave off, and also never ever quicksave


The arguement is that quicksave is in the heat of game world chaos, so is more apt to become corupt

than the other saves, and by always pressing Esc to create new saves it pauses that chaos, and also

you notice it takes longer there is a pause before you even enter the save game menu



Don't over write old saves either, each time create a new save game, keep about 15 or more

And some folks even go to the save game folder to delete saves, the older ones past 15 or 20

Then also creating backups of those files placed away for safe keeping.



The bad part about data coruptiion an save games is that whatever causes the coruption could have been

an hour or more before that save was created, even allowing you save again, creating a tree so to speak

of data coruption, and even further I heard a case where you could be running around for an hour of more

an you're crashing an just don't know it yet. Wild stuff huh



Something else to concider is the user error, we do all kinds of random human things, in using the game's interface

how we save, when an where, the other comands, all that breeds coruption, One time I got drunk using a FOSE mod

so I stumbled around, then exited the game without even saving, started the game up loaded a save before I was drunk

an I still couldn't walk right, in effect the controls were switched permenantly, So to speak the effects an way we exit

the game plays into coruption.



You should look into FO3edit's master update


I think it's great, it's so great I'm still using patch 1.5


I get 50% less crashes thanks to patch 1.5 an FO3edits master update



They say you don't have to master update 1.6, but people still do


And I mean if I was to use 1.6 I would for sure master update

just because it sort of mimics that each plug in file is it's own .esm

rather than a bunch of .esp pointing to .esm's


But then I didn't even really read the discription for master update


I know it builds form lists, makes all the mods look like .esm in GECK

And also there is a chance that stuff that shouldn't work together will

work together.

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"D0" in hex translates to 208 in decimal, meaning there are 208 items checked in FOMM, which includes the main Fallout esm and any DLCs. That's a heckuva lotta mods!
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i could be wrong, but if your saves are bigger than 20mb then the game will not like them.


this is based on something that skingrad24 said the other day.


so there is an upper limit on mod installation due to this.


i recommend seriously lowering your mod inclusion,


or at the very least, create a Merged Patch in FO3Edit and/or merge your plugins into collective .esps (outfits, weapons, armor etc).

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I use the Package manager to install mods, then manually see if there are conflicts (some mods have multiple .esp versoins, that sort of stuff).


I somebody has a guide to the GECK, and I mean IDIOT-PROOF, please help me get my hands on it?

I have no experience whatsoever using modding tools.


If not, guess some mods'll have to go. :down:

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I have had this problem as well, and can confirm it is real. It is not related to save game size or anything else as far as I can tell, save the number of loaded mods. For me The magic number was around 100. I used the FO3 plugin utility to merge some esps, as others have suggested, and as long as I keep the number of enabled esps under that number, I have no issues. Don't let anyone tell you that your red <!> in this scenario are due to mis-installed mods, it is not true. I do agree that it could very well be a memory issue. I am only running 3gb but I have not tried upping it to see if the number of simultaneous esps increases.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm making a new build



Sort of thinking about putting all the armor an clothing and guns into one .esp




No idea how to do this though, yet.



There's a Cell purge mod I found that people used a lot on oblivion, which they said

would help with fallout 3 too, I haven't tried it, but it may lower the save game size.



you would think that you would only run into freaking huge saves like discribed above

from using a mod that allows you to carry everything in the game at once.


I need to look into somemore stuff.



GECK is a nightmare, just watch the video tutorials an then learn the hard way.

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it happens when u exceed the mod limit your map somtimes goes blue aswell lol

you must have like 250 mods i have done the same i just disabled a few mods


you could try and put lots of mods in into one there for you would have more space you could have one for weapons

one for houses and so on


there is a tool on nexus that makes it easier to do cant remeber the name tho


you could do it the old fashion way by using geck

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you can MERGE .esp files with this:

FO3 Plugin





i allways give the .esp files some kind of tags like











so when i merge like 30 esp's i dont have to search long what fits together.

When i merged them together and i continue to add .esp's i start with GUN_2_ and so on.


The tricky thing is once u merged your guns / your armor and activate the new GUN_AllInOne.esp you will LOSE all your items from the mods because they will have diffrent ID's ingame, so you have to buy/collect them again.

You have been warned! Dont screw up your Savegame!

Don't Merge Mods you may want to remove later or you lose the stuff again with the redone .esp even if it has the same ID in FOMM!


If you use WMK, dont merge it! Somehow i have 2 entry's for WMK now at the Workbench o_O

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