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(That guy has hair similar to mine)

Mine' up to my arse. Army doesn't mind much, it's great having a colonel as a grandfather, nobody bothers me :biggrin:

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(That guy has hair similar to mine)

Mine' up to my arse. Army doesn't mind much, it's great having a colonel as a grandfather, nobody bothers me :biggrin:


Nothing like good, old fashioned, nepotism lmao :D :D :D

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Well it is often said "It is not what you know, but who you know..." that matters in this life.


Enjoy it whilst you can hun :D

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Mine' up to my arse. Army doesn't mind much, it's great having a colonel as a grandfather, nobody bothers me :biggrin:

Woot! Sounds awesome.

Mine is at about 1/3 of my back right now. It bothers my professors and I don't care one bit :happy:

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