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I was reading an interesting article today. Now, with a petrol powered car engine, when the engine is running, you're producing a massive amount of heat, and that's gotta be eliminated somehow, because not only is it detrimental beyond a certain temperature, but it's also useless to the running of the powerplant. Recent years have seen experimentation at "Hybrid" engines, which have petrol and electric elements, one of the most succesful is the KERS system. The Kinetic Energy Recovery System takes the waste kinetic energy from the brakes and uses it to power a potent electric motor mounted in the drivetrain. Today I was reading about an invention callled TERS-the Thermal Energy Recovery System instead soaks up the waste heat from a Formula One car's engine, converts it into electricity much like a KERS, and then dumps it into the drive train as a huge but short lived powerboost. When combined however, the two systems give the car a permanent "passive" boost, and an even more explosive disgressionary boost. With Formula One keen to downsize their engines and environmental impact, and some of the biggest R&D budgets in the world, they've really made some interesting tech. And KERS only needed 2 years to make it into ordinary joe citizen's cars.
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You sly person you...http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif


I WIN because I let you have your fun until I realized you were changing the rules for winning...http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif




I WIn ! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

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