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Edited by Thor.
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Why does every single company need to have their own crappy download manager? :dry: Do I need my downloads managed by a program? Because it seems every time I do things myself, everything turns out ok or at least I know who fricked up. But with these download managers it seems like you are flipping a coin. For example, I recently came in to an ass load of store credit for Best Buy and so I decided to get two Sims 3 expansion packs. Then they're like, "Hey kid... com'ere. Yeah see we got these downloads here why don't you get 'em that way. Yeah.. heh heh that's what you want." Then I'm like, "Ok, saves me the trip to the store. I've had mostly positive experiences with your company so sure, sign me up for the digital download." "Heh, ok, here you go. Oh one more thing, you've gotta install this download app. It's cool, heh. yeah.""ok. Wow that first expansion pack downloaded pretty fast, oh but I got them in the wrong order, lemme start the other download now.""heh heh, yeah sure. Sucker." and then they slither back into the hole in the tree.FIVE HOURS LATER:And I'm all, "WHY do you always stick at 79% and then 'Download Error'? WHIIIIIIIIIIIYUH?!" [emails customer support on Thor's day] [posts on the Best Buy PC app help forums on Monday] [Calls Geek Squad as instructed on the forum] "Yeah, heh heh, it does that sometimes. Just reinstall the Best Buy PC app - what? That was the first thing you tried? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hhhhhhhhhhh...... No sorry we can't exchange product keys or give you a physical copy... uhhhhhhhhhhyuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh did you try reinstalling the Best Buy PC app? Oh yeah. Have you tried re-installing Windows 7? You should get a better computer that is more compatible with the Best Buy PC app."



I'll save you some time: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/321/801/302.gif

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