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Wow, Croatia is trying to actually create a better and more tolerant society? I can't believe it. Schools are getting the subject 'civic education' soon.

Maybe I'm expecting too much out of this, but I truly hope for a more tolerant generation.

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http://avatars.jurko.net/uploads/avatar_22010.gif Marty Madeye takes the win!


About Croatia .. I hope it works as planed, but I know how social society projects can be corrupted so I remain doubtful.

The positive results might be only visible in around 15 years as well as the negative effects.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Wow, Croatia is trying to actually create a better and more tolerant society? I can't believe it. Schools are getting the subject 'civic education' soon.

Maybe I'm expecting too much out of this, but I truly hope for a more tolerant generation.

Yeah, you can't really teach tolerance in schools, that is unless you remove outside forces such as parents, religion, the internet and entertainment, but then that's just brainwashing.

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