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lv000 you should see how school is where I live. :)



I just read a bit about it on the net, sounds pretty much like the thing we have here. (Scratch that, it's different the more I read about it) Care to explain a bit more?



That's a subject that would a take quite a while to talk about, but if you're interested take a look here: http://en.wikipedia....cational_system


If you don't mind the old buildings, outdated school material, the communist teachers(old ones) and a few other things like that, you're ok. The big picture is this: plenty of theory, but no practice. We ended up with generations of young people that have a good general knowledge( that is, if they bothered to study a little), but other than that they are good at doing nothing. Oh and they change it every ear so the 2012-2013 generation is still good at nothing, but will learn in a different manner and to make things better it's a never ending political debate. If you sign up at a economics profile high school and want to become a economist, you'll end up becoming a mixture of all things, that have nothing to do with economy. :)



Oh, I have to win in order to stay on topic. :blush:

Edited by Pushkatu
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nope I win.


The educational system seems to be different everywhere. I'm lucky that my high school age children are in a school that is amazing. They look after them spiritually, physically, emotionally and educationally. My youngest daughter has just started college full-time (she was part school part college taught last year) and she absolutely adores it. All three are encouraged to think. question, debate, research and learn in their own way, at their own pace and take the subjects they want to take (the core subjects are mandatory of course).


They love school, love college and have all been bullied at some point. However, this has been dealt with swiftly and put down immediately.


I'm sad that other schools are not as forthcoming as the one my sons go to. I'm also sad that children are not nurtured and protected in the very establishments that should do just that.


Maybe one day...

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lv000 you should see how school is where I live. :)



I just read a bit about it on the net, sounds pretty much like the thing we have here. (Scratch that, it's different the more I read about it) Care to explain a bit more?



That's a subject that would a take quite a while to talk about, but if you're interested take a look here: http://en.wikipedia....cational_system


If you don't mind the old buildings, outdated school material, the communist teachers(old ones) and a few other things like that, you're ok. The big picture is this: plenty of theory, but no practice. We ended up with generations of young people that have a good general knowledge( that is, if they bothered to study a little), but other than that they are good at doing nothing. Oh and they change it every ear so the 2012-2013 generation is still good at nothing, but will learn in a different manner and to make things better it's a never ending political debate. If you sign up at a economics profile high school and want to become a economist, you'll end up becoming a mixture of all things, that have nothing to do with economy. :)



Oh, I have to win in order to stay on topic. :blush:

Sounds about right. We've got a similar thing here.

Web Design school currently. Learning plenty of Internet Tech theory, Theory Design, Marketing, what this is what that is.


How many websites did we make? Practically none. We did a bit of HTML, a tiny bit of the most basic part of Java, bit of Photoshop and Flash. That's pretty much it. In 3 years I have learned stuff I could teach myself over the net in a matter of weeks or less.


Best thing to do would be to drop school, learn everything by myself and actually do stuff. But I can't do that, it's against the system.



Very well said. I already have similar memories of that, no doubt more bad ones will come.


You can see the result of that in my current generation already, or at least I can see it at my place.

So many intolerant, uneducated and violent-aggressive people it's making me sick.


Worst thing is they're not really allowed to be like that, but nobody really cares if they are.


People are too different, and the education system is too monotone and unflexible. This won't work for much longer.

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If you don't mind the old buildings, outdated school material, the communist teachers(old ones) and a few other things like that, you're ok.

Huh, sounds like the school I went to. A nice place that leaks through every ceiling (that is, if the ceiling doesn't fall down on your head), school books from ex-Yugoslavia, etc.


Although, it seems the outdated school books I used are better than these "new and updated" books. It's like the authors wrote them for complete idiots that don't know how to read, much less think on their own.

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