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aaaaaaaah he's not standing in the middle, he's off centre, its driving me crazy!

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I hate scripting :dry:

The very reason I don't mod. :P

The only reason I would start modding :P

2 days ago I was almost begging my professor that we begin with writing scripts, because we were doing theory for the last few months. Programming and German are the only classes I have the best grades in without studying a bit. But nobody cares about programming and languages.


On top of that, to get in the college of the stuff I'm good at, I have to pass a test of the stuff I'm bad at. :facepalm:


And I think my cat is sick.

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And I want this cute guy as a pet.


awhhh, i'd call him snuggles!


on a side note, this is an awesome turtle


Edited by tredmillion
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this had me in hysterics lol




(in case you dont know chuck testa

) Edited by tredmillion
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