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I decided on a new rule, which will be a b to follow.


Every time I have to do something but I don't want to, I do it anyway without second thought. I need to fight my laziness back :armscrossed:


I'm gonna go do programming now even though I feel lazy like a fat cat .-.


i am too lazy to be alive :facepalm:

Edited by Iv000
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you and me both iv!


i prefer to think like fear and loathing in las vegas


"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. "


spose that goes for most of us nutters from the lounge lol

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lol yes


I should be improving my skills in...anything really. But instead I'm solo partying with my subwoofer ._. .-. ._. .-.


Why is it this hard to do stuff. I feel like I will die if I do. But I know if I don't I will die too.


One is an illusion that I will die and one is a straight road to death. Yet why am I following the obvious?!?!?!?!

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Going to school with a f***ing genius who started earning money already in 10th grade and started programming in 6th makes me feel like a worthless piece of s*** :(

Hooow did he manage to earn 2k€ in a few months?!


// early life crisis


How's everyone doing?!

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lol when im raking in a few k a month ill finally be where i always should've been lol


and im great i love faceless void



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