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The last poster wins


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night before last I went to bed at 1.30am by the time I got up there were over 88 notifications on my email, the majority of them for this post.


I've been up most of the night waiting for one of my older daughters to come home as she's staying with me and didn't have a key... there've been less than 20 emails for this thread. Do you guys know when I'm up and about and decide to go into hiding???


I'm beginning to get a complex :D

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Told you, any time. I'm usually around and about if not on the PC then on the phone lol


I'm becoming an iPhone geek. I was given one for Christmas and am loving mucking around with it :D

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Yes I know what you told me :P but I still didn't want to bother, it wasn't major and the problem got solved thanks to a good friend(Who recently changed professions to stripper :teehee: ) and a good talk, and my boyfriend of course too.


And I know right, it's fun messing around with new tech :teehee:

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Took me 6 days to figure out how to put music onto it lol and even then it was all done by accident :D


Still trying to figure out how to do the same with my friend's phone. Honestly I have the memory of a flea :)

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A complex? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif


I was watching The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader when something locked up the movie. This is the second time i was doing something which was a couple of hours of online steady activity that the sources server I was connected dropped off. I looked at my tabs and saw I was still connected to TesNexus and thought I had better end the link so I could see it the movie was restored.

I am beginning to feel haunted from afar. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png

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