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Play or Pray?!


Even in my most serious well organized theoretical thought I am playing, not praying, not p. r. e. y. i. n. g. on anyone. Senseless words I spelled out are play too.


Get serious without play in the tome and hell breaks loose the binders and the spine in the books back. Than it never gets back on the shelf in the library home again.


I read many interviews with actors who act in action adventure movies. Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Real fighting mad people wanted to fight them. And the two actors I mention said no thanks.


In an interview Sylvester and Arnold were at the same place at the same time and they both made the statements. Strongly suggesting they were actors. I don't really fight, it's all an act, just pretend.


Me?! Pagafyr?! I'm just playing here. I'm just pretending. If you get the idea I am tough than I have played the role good enough to make you think so. Haven't I?


Remember, we're all just playing here! Anyone who isn't just acting and playing here needs to have their head examined.


If I seem to dodge, roll away, dive out of sight, your thoughts might be the reason.


Edit: No emotions in an act? Monsters! Maybe sadness in the act? Stephen Kings cat got run over by a van. Pet Sematary! Maybe a fearful act? Don't hurt me! I don't want to die. Chunk in Goonies.


All work and no play makes Pagafyr a dull actor and a dull adult!

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"All life's a stage, and we are merely players."


I could picture the unbound book kablooie ... actually looks a bit like the Striker Manor's Computer Nerve Center does on it's good days.


Play on!!

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I didn't use big fonts because I don't want it to block the view from your creative imaging projection space.


I could have used a photo enhancer and added color and splash around it and uploaded a HUGE image of the word.


You can imagine the picture of that with water color splashed around a word dropped on to the puddle of colored water with the colors from the water color painting set.

So I just typed it like that. That I did.

I hope you now have created the image of a similar picture of the word in colors you prefer now too. One that expresses the emotion and creative urges to manipulate my brains picturing department just like your brain does.

When I got to see your words I thought of the image you wrote about, the unbound book kablooie, I added a few possible likenesses in my imaging processor that your words suggested the Striker Manor's Computer Nerve Center might look like.

The first image I imagined was a bunch of computer parts strewn about a table outside of a computer case with wires from the power supply that are the only things holding them together while they work seamlessly and look like the manor, and... and... yet may look like preparations to make a Transformer Bot!

I had fun with my creative imagining brainy functions thinking up what your words of comparison suggested for the Striker Manor. It's your manor, so I will let you create it.

When or if you chose to. On any other format. That is, if you want to share your created image in your brains department for creative image making. I think using a new way of doing that without paper and pencil is a bit complicated and sometimes REALLY frustrating.

I get frustrated when I have get into my body to learn how and train my body with my minds new directives so I can paint a picture with another type of image developing stuff.


Don't you get frustrated from having to change your way of doing things from the way we did it that took us years of practice just to learn how to draw pictures with a pencil on paper?


I have learned several new ways to do the same thing and it was just as frustrating as the first time with paper and crayons. STAY INSIDE THE LINES.


Sometimes frustration gets me so fueled up I forget myself and want to smash and bash everything then that was responsible for changing the way I learned making the new ways I either have to learn or give up and hope someone else with a good imagination can see what's on my mind exactly the same way I do.


Or, I have to go back to college and learn how to use this stuff before my mind gets stagnated and stale so I lose the flexibility of my minds functions.


Thanks to the Internet I don't have to go find a dorm room, hope I get a room mate that shares the same interests, or at least is compatible enough so we have a few good times while we live in the cramped space. All I have to do now is sign on to a course and start learning. It's still frustrates me though. As always it does, and without someone to soothe my frustrated slowed production I get so much more frustrated... Why do I have to do it this way?!


MOM!!! She's gone and I have no one to replace her that has the skill she used to be able to soothe my confused mind.


May she Rest In Peace.


You know it too and it's always clear when we remember why; after we finally got the skill up to snuff to do what is expected of the TODAY Crowd... All we can say is... Give Peace a Chance, because that is how it is today...

That's Life!


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Ah Paga ... you can warm a heart on a cold damp day.


You aren't a cat perchance, wearing a big hat??


Your picture is a close approximation of the Striker Manor, but let me adjust the focal point a tad.


Computer parts are far too valuable to be left strewn about in disarray ... even the ones that no longer work all rest carefully cushioned in their original boxes. It is the "notes to self" which seemed so important that recording that thought was paramount at that moment that understand the fundamental Rules of Disarray.


They understand them well indeed.


Even scrawled at odd angles and directions on the backs of junk mail envelopes (mustn't throw away paper with blankness that requires filling up), some so incomplete that the sensible reason they once may have carried in their squiggly lines is lost to the ravages of time and failing memory ... yet they remain availble for purview, if the situation arises for a mystery to solve.


Shall I read some to you one day, while the rain pitter patters on pane, and the occassional car hisses past on wet pavement?



Moms ... loved while we can still hug, and receive hugs returned. Loved even more I think when the hugs can only be remembered.

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Vacation TIME?!


I mean, what could being a star in Heaven possible make a person with that much talent want to only do her show in just one place for eternity when she could be opening shows all over the universes?


No need to rush into it Paga, but we will all get our turn at the Permanent Vacation.


What I'm unclear on is ... do we get to book in advance, or is it more like going on a Last Minute Club or standby list?

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The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Ancient Tibetan version translated to English was not complete in most of the authors works who tried to. Finding one of the book's translations complete in your own mother tongue would be nice.


Although, for a safer path to take to get a better understanding of it I direct your attention to a course in the college at one of the most prestigious Universities and the class I would recommend is aimed at becoming a linguistics expert, then study the Tibetan's Languages.


I note that the University is no longer in existence. Good luck finding anyone teaching classes in Linguistics that you can get fired up to talk about The Tibetan Book of the Dead. It's probably a fiction anyway.




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