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The last poster wins


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An interesting question me and my friends were discussing today, what would you do if the human race suddenly decides to "turn off" the internet?


I think I would do this:


Edited by Werne
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would simply panic and start to mumble like this out loud.



NNNOOOOOO!!!, nnnoooo,no... Cries a bit... Nooo, no, no, no, this can't be happening.. Save the internet.



Edited by Thor.
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Like a moderator here on Nexus has it in his signature ,,, there fore I claim the win, because this piece of wisdom can't be totally wrong !

Edited by SilverDNA
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Thats actaully aunique story telling for a change, unlike the rest fo Hollywood crap thats been coming out lately. Finally something original. Edited by Thor.
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