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The last poster wins


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Oooommmmmmmmmmyyyyy.... :wallbash:

So Skyrim is acting like I have 5.1 speakers when I only have 2.1 and so if I look directly at someone I can't hear them, but if they are at my sides I can... -_-

And this is certainly Skyrim's doing, it works fine in any other game (at least those I can get sound to work at all).

But I guess I do get this win... :)

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Why because I win? :)

Just got done playing a game without sound but running youtube in the background for music. Of all the things that make good games unplayable... this is the worst. Well... maybe not.

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Why because I win? :)

Just got done playing a game without sound but running youtube in the background for music. Of all the things that make good games unplayable... this is the worst. Well... maybe not.


Gran Turismo, controller with an analog stick that's JUST broken enough that pushing right only registers at about 50% of the strength it should.


Forget about any tracks that are mostly clockwise, stupidly persevere (on the grounds that "it's more challenging") for so long that when you do finally relent and admit you need to spend money on a new controller, you don't know how to drive with a fully functional car anymore.


Sad, but true.

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Y'know if we REALLY want to break this record, we ought to ask the staff to stop banning spam-bots and instead restrict their posting rights to this thread only.


I reckon we could get there in, ooooh say a week?

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