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The last poster wins


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Since we are just posting to win I might as well just blatently promote my mod. It's awesome, you must download and endorse it now! I command you! :thumbsup:

Profile Manager

I will tomorrow, too late for me tonight, looks like a really helpful mod though.

Edited by leirynot
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I was just going to be nice and give a short dissertation on the *rolling the r off my tongue* red, red a r r r rose.


But I am in a hurry to get off to bed and dream of my dream girl so I can get the Genie to come out of the lamp and grant me a wish one day. That darn slip of my tongue has gotten him all riled up.


This Genie of the Lamp is not tricky like some wish givers I know of. But now I know he can be temperamental.


The Genie of the Lamp grants every wish I desire as long as I possess the lamp. If someone were to steal the lamp from me, than they would be granted wishes until I found out who stole it and took it back.


I WIN! Hah! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif I WIN! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif I WIN! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blush.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sick.gif Oops I forgot! Rolling around makes me sick. Blaaah!

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If you understand this you get a point:


. bottle of claret for you if I'd realised. I'd forgotten all about it, George, I'm sorry.

Well, do next time.

Will you forgive me?


Cheeky *censored*.

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number...

...Then there's this Welsh Rarebit wearing some brown underpants

...About the stortage of grain in Hertfordshire

Everyone of them knew that as time went by they'd

Get a little bit older and a little bit slower but...

It's all the same thing, in this case manufactured by

Someone who's always umpteen (...)

Your father's giving it diddly-i-dee district was leaving...

Intended to die (...) Ottoman...

(...)...Long gone through...(...)

I've got to say irritably and...

(...) Floors, hard enough to put on (...) Per day's md in our district

There was not really enough light to get down,

And ultimately (...) Slumped down


They may stop the funding...

Place your bets

The original

Afraid she'll die (...)

Great colours for the season

Number nine, number nine

Who's to know?

Who was to know?

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

I sustained nothing worse than (...)

Also, for example

Whatever you're doing

A business deal falls through

I informed him on the third night, when fortune gives...

Be alright, be alright

Right, right, right, right


Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine



Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

(...) I've missed all of that

It makes me a few day's late

Compared with, like, wow!

And wierd stuff like that...

(...) Taking our sides sometimes

(...) Floral bark

Rouge doctors have brought this specimen

I have nobody's short-cuts, aha...

Nine, number nine

(...) With the situation

They are standing still

The plan, the telegram...

(Hubbbbba, hubbbbba, hubbbbbba, hubbbbba, hubbbbba

Number nine, number Hubbba)

A man without terrors from beard to false

As the headmaster reported to my son

He really can try, as they do, to find function...

Tell what he was saying, and his voice was low and his hive high,

And his eyes were low...


It was on fire and his glasses were the same

This thing know if it was tinted,

But you know it isn't

To me it is...

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine, number nine

So the wife called me and we'd better go to see a surgeon

to price it (...) Yellow underclothes

So, any road, we went to see a dentist instead

That gave her a pair of teeth which wasn't any good at all

So I said I'd marry, join the f***ing navy and went to sea

Block that kick, block that kick

In my broken chair, my wings are broken and so is my hair

I'm not in the mood for whirling


Dogs for dogging, hands for clapping

Bird's for birding, and fish for fishing

Them for themming and when for whemming

...Only to find the night-watchman

Unaware of his presence in the building

Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine

Number nine, number nine

Industry allows financial imbalance

Thrusting it bewteen his shoulder blades

The watusi, the twist


Take this, brother, may it serve you well

Maybe it's nothing

What, what oh...

Maybe, even then, impervious in London

...Could be difficult thing...

It's quick like rush for peace because it's so much

Like being naked

It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

It's alright

If, you've become naked

Block that kick, block that kick, block that kick, block that kick

Block that kick, block that kick, block that kick, block that kick

Block that kick, block that kick, block that kick, block that kick

Block that kick, block that kick, block that kick, block that nixon


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