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The last poster wins


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Suicidal and egocentric don't really seem to mesh by the way. One would tend to think that someone who has a big ego wouldn't even be able to conceive of the idea to take his own live.

Believe me, no one can understand the mind of a madman, not even the madman himself.


And it's true, I tried to understand my own mind and got nowhere. I guess my mind is just smarter than me.

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Suicidal and egocentric don't really seem to mesh by the way. One would tend to think that someone who has a big ego wouldn't even be able to conceive of the idea to take his own live.

Suicide is ultimate selfish act of an egocentric personality, showing that they have the power and the will to destroy their own lives without thought of what it does to others.


I was programmed at the factory to not be able to self-terminate so... I win!


Just one question, how can a suicidal, egocentric, paranoid guy be a licensed psychiatrist? I just don't get it.

Just look at any number of Batman villains with phds.

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Oops, I broke the win.


@tetradite Good thinking :thumbsup:. Huh, maybe I can become a psychiatrist then, it would certanly be better than my current job.

Edited by Werne
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I'm back and i cought 50 yellow perch,a re you sure ya don't want any.. They are huge..


Also the water was sure choppy out there :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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