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Why? What did that cute little spider ever do to you?


Well, it doesn't seem to be little but it's still cute. Too bad I can't get one :(

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I like spiders more than humans, spiders are quiet, can climb on walls and they usually don't eat all my food. Spiders are also good because they eat those annoying mosquitos and flies.


But there's one animal I like even more than spiders, snakes. Especially horned vipers:


I have plenty of them here where I live. I like them because they look bad-ass, because of the way they move and mostly because they can kill a person that annoys them. Hmm, maybe I should drop a bucket of them on the front lawn when my mother in law comes. A good way to get rid of her and I can't be blaimed, a perfect crime :devil:

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A good way to get rid of her and I can't be blaimed, a perfect crime :devil:

If your mother in law is anything like mine, the snake will die as soon as she gets out of the car; she's so cold.




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