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Yup, it looks better and it has an automatic mechanism but it's more expensive. Although, I do like the T-34 so it's likely that I'll take that one.
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1*1=1 :psyduck: * :psyduck: = :psyduck:

1*11=11 :psyduck: * [( :psyduck: * :psyduck: )=> :psyduck: ] = :psyduck: ?

11*11=121 ( :psyduck: * :psyduck: ) * ( :psyduck: * :psyduck: ) = :psyduck: ??

11*111=1221 ( :psyduck: * :psyduck: ) * :confused: ... WT*( :psyduck: ) =₪%#~^ ??!?@@

111*111=12321 ???###**#\//@*#

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"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker." Albert Einstein.

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though its wierd but my choclate cookies are tastefull ;D (the only thing i like to bake) but i always forget there is baking powder in it; put a little too much on the pan... Well after all im not my mom. :blush:

all i could say is they are enormous :D

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"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker." Albert Einstein.

If a nuclear war ever starts I'd like to see a nuclear explosion, even if it kills me. That's one of the things I always wanted to see, I'm a fanatic when it comes to things that go boom.


And Albert Einstein should've become a watchmaker, maybe then I'd have parts for my watches.

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