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The last poster wins


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A good old Yugo, cheap and reliable. I can still remember seeing new ones, sent from the factory. *sigh* Those were the good times.

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I was having some Graham crackers for light desert with some milk. I have grown a beard and when I sipped out of the glass milk ran down my beard.


I had a thought of genius. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif As I was testing the theory I heard my Moms voice, all the way from across the divide as she truly died last year, "Are you drinking out of the carton? Don't drink out of the carton! It will spoil the milk for everyone else!"


I stared at the air, looking around for her to come around the corner and smack me up side the head.


As her memory passed away with her angel self winging it away, or falling down in the abyss. I could not tell as my tears of joy were blinding me.


Because I remembered, "I'm the only one here. No one else will care because they are all dead or gone too."


I drank out of the milk carton again and again and again... And nary a drop of milk spilled down my beard. I stuffed another Graham Cracker in my mouth and poured the milk in after it and...and...It's..."It's MINE ALL MINE! And I WIN!


Now I will have to drink all the milk before it gets any of my mouths little squiggly wigglies turning it into cream, But Who Cares I am free from all those stupid commercial flash backs of Moms calling out from another room about it. The part that still bugs me is, "How'd she know?!"


I WIN! Twice.

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I am passing the time away as I wait for a download so HUGE that is going to take at least another five minutes. Updates, patches, and tweaks are next. If I don't get to to the inspiring playing part pretty darn soon I am going to fall a sleep from the delays.


I feel like I did the time Fog banks moved in over Burbank, CA and caused the flights to be delayed until the next morning.




Yup! What?! Did something or someone just type something really loud? I'm awake! But theres nobody but the ghost's of my past in the house with me. I drove out all the previous ghosts living here, with some holy water, that were haunting here so I could get some sleep.



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