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:psyduck: : 2n+3 * 163 * 4n = 2, n=?

:geek: : @*#/\!!

:psyduck: : :huh:

:geek: : ******...

:psyduck: : :mad:

:geek: : dammit my pc is screwed :wallbash:

:psyduck: : :verymad:

:geek: : :ohdear:

:psyduck: : :nuke: :nuke:

:geek: : :pinch:

:psyduck: : :happy: n=1/45

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:sweat: Going to be hot today. Weather man says about 98f or 37c with high humidity. I sure am glad the AC is in good shape. After the storm we had on 6/30 and an week without electricity made me appreciate the AC even more. I think I drank about 4 gallons of iced tea that week.
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