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Pagafyr, here is the authors website: http://www.hyperacti...marko_ferek.phpAnd here's the book: http://www.hyperacti...rs.com/book.phpI'm reading the Croatian version btw. No idea how the English one is compared to this one.
The English translation is probably shorter and less likely would evoke a keen sense of emotion. I have read books from different countries which had been translated to English in their country and another version which had been edited by a U. S. of A. Publishers, e.g., "Gullivers Travels". When I read the original authors work it was so much better to understand. The U. S. of A. version was written for children's bed time stories. So much different the U. S. of A. version did not say how Gulliver put out a fire in Lilliput the same way as it did in Jonathan Swift's own words. I loved the last parts where he wrote about buying some horses, of how he actually treated horse with more respect, after he wrote the part about horses. My parents would have had a laugh fest if they read the original them selves. But I think they thought The GRIMM Brothers Fairy Tales were more appropriate. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif The book appears to have been published in Croatia and in the country by Croatia into English. Translation may be better and I may get a chance to see if I fibble, fabble, wibble, wabble, until I fall down and am no longer tribbled by the distance from my head to the floor.




Hey look! See!

I am having fun with my abilities which may be Hyperactive Dreaming. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wub.gif

The book is being sold in English versions for $24.99 CAD. Hmm? I am a Cad? Cadillac? To Cover the cost of Additional Details? Hmm? I will have to look up CAD.

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Do you suddenly feel tired, drained of life, bored while there appears to be no one in your space with you.


It could be Vampires. Stealthy, and Sneaky!


Or it could be the Sand man with his magic bag of sleep sand. Causing your eyes lids to grow heavy and you to start yawning.


Or maybe I am a psychic vampire! Muwa ah haa ha haaa.


Or it could be http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif


The Yawning Man!


*WARNING* Do not Google, "The Yawning Man" if you do not need any sleep. *WARNING*

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