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I cannot sleep again.

I would love to write a long rant with a lot of swearing right now, but since the forum rules make me not to I will just go read my book.

When I'm grumpy like that I overuse the F word. Imagine that I overused it here too.

FFS brain. WHY?

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I cannot sleep again.

I would love to write a long rant with a lot of swearing right now, but since the forum rules make me not to I will just go read my book.

When I'm grumpy like that I overuse the F word. Imagine that I overused it here too.

FFS brain. WHY?

The rules say no swearing but I find that you actually can swear if you use stars to cover up the vulgar section of the word. So go on and rant, if anyone yaps about it blame me :biggrin:


Unrelated, and somehow related to that, I find that ranting about something, along with destroying things, getting drunk and having sex, can make you feel a whole lot better. Especially if you get to do all of that at the same time :yes:

Edited by Werne
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its not real leather atleast i dont think it is ???



The business about the cattle bringing the Earths temperature up 2% is true.


I didn't think there was a problem with having real leather furniture where you live. Sorry, If I bungled an attempt to humor you! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif





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I cannot sleep again.

I would love to write a long rant with a lot of swearing right now, but since the forum rules make me not to I will just go read my book.

When I'm grumpy like that I overuse the F word. Imagine that I overused it here too.

FFS brain. WHY?

I have actually written a curse filled rant to get it out of my system. What I do, though, is instead of hitting the post button, I hit back button on my browser. I feel better and the rant never gets posted because it is erased. :mellow:


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I cannot sleep again.

I would love to write a long rant with a lot of swearing right now, but since the forum rules make me not to I will just go read my book.

When I'm grumpy like that I overuse the F word. Imagine that I overused it here too.

FFS brain. WHY?

The rules say no swearing but I find that you actually can swear if you use stars to cover up the vulgar section of the word. So go on and rant, if anyone yaps about it blame me :biggrin:


Unrelated, and somehow related to that, I find that ranting about something, along with destroying things, getting drunk and having sex, can make you feel a whole lot better. Especially if you get to do all of that at the same time :yes:


It automatically sensors any swears you type.

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It automatically sensors any swears you type.

I didn't know that. I just tried it out and it really does censor vulgar words, but not all of them.

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It automatically sensors any swears you type.

I didn't know that. I just tried it out and it really does censor vulgar words, but not all of them.

It also appears to sensor words based on where you are viewing the thread from. For example someone posted the F word in the thread for my mod, when viewed in the discussion tab of the mod it was asterisked out, but when viewed from the forum it was displayed clearly.

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