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I cannot sleep again.

I would love to write a long rant with a lot of swearing right now, but since the forum rules make me not to I will just go read my book.

When I'm grumpy like that I overuse the F word. Imagine that I overused it here too.

FFS brain. WHY?


I do exactly what you are saying you would like to do when the words on my mind flow while I am here. If they spill out like a flood giving meaning to my life I write them until my mind stops giving me new words, expressive meaningful words.


Even if they don't mean a damn thing to anyone else here, or they seem to belong here, because of what someone else wrote, then write when you feel the urge to write. Write right inside the white window box until you run out of words to type.


Now cut and paste them on a note pad for you to save as your own thoughts and read them tomorrow.


I do that to let my spirit flow so I don't stagnate what my mind is trying to reason with.


Than I wait until the next day, or I sit and edit the sentences in my note pad, and look at the words the next day to see what I was thinking.


If you don't feel any of your spontaneous words would be fit for us to read or that they might be full of curse words, right after you finish typing them just copy them and paste them from here where you feel you would like to write them and put them on your note pad after you have written all that was on your mind and keep them for your own review.


You'll one day be able to look back and think, "I'm the wiser for that." Because you wrote them down and read them later to see what something was that was stirring up your thoughts. And you may find a piece of a puzzle.


Your mind may be just like an adventurers mind and be trying to show you what you have found but for some reason you don't seem to think it is anything. Until you read it the next time, another day, or edit and rewrite it. Then one day when all the pieces to a puzzling part of your thoughts while pop into your head and you'll see the whole picture as clear as a photograph which just finished developing in an old fashion dark room for developing pictures.


Write, write it in the white blank space which is available to you here and so the puzzle piece is placed before you. Than cut and paste it into your own document file for later.


You never know what magic you may find while using a private box like this to help you when you started to feel like writing a message. The message could amaze you later. That message which you drew out of your chaotic mind.

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You'll one day be able to look back and think, "I'm the wiser for that." Because you wrote them down and read them later to see what something was that was stirring up your thoughts. And you may find a piece of a puzzle.

What good advice. I completely agree that it is a good idea to write down your thoughts and save them for later.

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Wow, I can't really relate, as I don't have it that bad. (I am actually happy where I go to school) Just don't give up, it will get better when you get out of school. Just ignore what everyone else thinks/says, they're just closed minded idiots.

Those who care don't matter and those who matter don't care.

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