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Yeah, have pain enough for the whole of Nexus at the minute I think. However, not a\s bad as yesterday, so hopefully tomorrow wont be as bad as today.


See there is a silver lining behind every thunder storm :D

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Yea I had a English teacher that told me that English was the most important subject of all, and a year later I realized that no matter what language it is, it's actually a form of math. If you know anything about how computers work, you know I'm right about that. Computer languages are in binary, hexadecimal, octal, and alphabetical for the basic ones and then you have all the higher level programing languages like C, C+, etc., and there all translated using various forms of math.


Confusious said: "Those who can, do. And those who can't, teach." HAHA!

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ok and why did you ditch your english class last time??
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Yea I had a English teacher that told me that English was the most important subject of all, and a year later I realized that no matter what language it is, it's actually a form of math. If you know anything about how computers work, you know I'm right about that. Computer languages are in binary, hexadecimal, octal, and alphabetical for the basic ones and then you have all the higher level programing languages like C, C+, etc., and there all translated using various forms of math.


Confusious said: "Those who can, do. And those who can't, teach." HAHA!


I used to do both, so where does that leave me????

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ok and why did you ditch your english class last time??

because i grew weary of him and decided not to go to class, and i went to buy some books and games.

And why did i do that, because two sessions ago I was the ONLY one who was answering the questions and correcting the mistakes cause MR.A-hole didn't know anything and told them all to go look into your dictionaries.

And i realized that I AM WASTING 1 HOUR AND 45 MINUTES OF MY LIFE. :verymad:

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Hmmm any ideas what i could do with 6gb of vram, anyone???


Mod skyrim to insanity or something else :teehee:lool thats 2gb les then my system ram :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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Yea I had a English teacher that told me that English was the most important subject of all, and a year later I realized that no matter what language it is, it's actually a form of math. If you know anything about how computers work, you know I'm right about that. Computer languages are in binary, hexadecimal, octal, and alphabetical for the basic ones and then you have all the higher level programing languages like C, C+, etc., and there all translated using various forms of math.


The point at which this line of thinking disintegrates is that computer languages and maths are all based on rules and logic. Most human languages (especially English) are not.


Evidence: Google's immensely impressive search programming -v- Google's immensely unimpressive translation abilities. (Especially it's inability to translate x to y back to x and x be the same as it started).


Maths is a more important subject though. English may be (for now) 'the' language of the world, but maths is the language of the universe.

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I'm quite excited woot, here icome crossfire :teehee:


Serious question: Why are you bothering? You already have colossal frame rates, isn't crossfire just going to up those even further with basically no other benefit?

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