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Mine' up to my arse. Army doesn't mind much, it's great having a colonel as a grandfather, nobody bothers me :biggrin:

Woot! Sounds awesome.

Mine is at about 1/3 of my back right now. It bothers my professors and I don't care one bit :happy:


Mine used to be halfway to my arse, 'til about 21. Then it went to one stop short of fully shaved overnight.


Just for the lols. Here's my progression through looking stupid as a kid, the really long hair is in the third pic, but you can't really tell 'cos it's tied back...


(15, 17, 19, 21)




I concentrate on the epic homeless-man beard now. It's more satisfying, and seems to annoy more people.

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It's so hot here that potatoes cook underground. All you have to do is pull one up and add sour cream and chives. :sweat:

lol :P

Its gotten nicer here since the storm last night :biggrin:

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