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The last poster wins


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Love the feline photos ... hard to choose a favorite between kitten and lion. :wub:

:happy: Petting cats calms you down. This is not the same as petting them, but watching them nuzzle should have a similar effect.

Or at the very least it looks cute.







Edited by Iv000
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I'm aggressively neutral toward the modern Olympics unless they are on my continent, then I hate the whole idea. I also hate what you not us people call football. I see it as that sport that you can only enjoy watching if: your life is being threatened every day, your country is piss poor, you are hammered all the time, where you live has lots of dirt and nothing else, or if you are Irish - oops I guess that last one fits under the umbrella of the third one. (Bazinga!) I'm not saying American Football is any better, I'm just saying modern athletics are a bad joke, one that keeps being told over and over, dropped at the first sign of trouble.


So, long story short: All Irish people are alcoholics, Rupert Grint would be more famous and better off if the torch had ignited his hair, and if you don't like where you live, well then you shouldn't have been born there.*

U-S-A! U-S-A!and Canada! U-S-A!


*This is sarcasm**


**this is not sarcasm*

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I would give you mine but teleportation isn't invented yet, sadly.



Maybe have your Pineal Gland cleaned 1st, and then, maybe, we can all see what we need better and if, THAT'S A BIG IF, we think we need to invent a teleportation device some of us will.


I am going to skim over other posts now while I wait for the perfect opportunity to return and rectify this last post or take the win away with me and going sailing off with glee for the tiny bit of joy winning gives me.

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Petting cats calms you down. This is not the same as petting them, but watching them nuzzle should have a similar effect.

Or at the very least it looks cute.

You sure they look cute?


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Petting cats calms you down. This is not the same as petting them, but watching them nuzzle should have a similar effect.

Or at the very least it looks cute.

You sure they look cute?



Oh! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif Someone! Who admires me! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif I knew all years alone with Precious, one day..., someone would see me not bad me, me is just lonely and happy with precious. And now! My First Admirererer!


Come! My Precious I must wash my loin cloth so we can go in search of this admirer.

*Moments later.*

Precious?! My Precious! *Sniffs air.* I smells a dirty hobbit. Grrrr! I finds Precious and kills hobbit.

And than I will go find my admirer. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif

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Now for cats and dogs :teehee:




Edited by Thor.
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