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The last poster wins


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Oh god, tomorrow I'll have to go training with the Americans. It's a bloody pain in the arse, I can hit a cellphone at 2100 meters but I need to train in order to show my best, can't embarrass my country in front of Americans and stuff like that. Those guys can't hit a man-sized target at 500 meters with an AK and they get to sleep in the morning!


IT AIN'T FAIR!!! :verymad:


It doesn't matter how good you have been before, you're only as good as your last game, as they say, so just have a good game tomorrow :thumbsup:

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Goodnight, boys and girls, I really have to go to sleep now. Will catch ya in the morning (well later on in the morning) xxx
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Oh god, tomorrow I'll have to go training with the Americans. It's a bloody pain in the arse, I can hit a cellphone at 2100 meters but I need to train in order to show my best, can't embarrass my country in front of Americans and stuff like that. Those guys can't hit a man-sized target at 500 meters with an AK and they get to sleep in the morning!


IT AIN'T FAIR!!! :verymad:

The big green army's standards are getting lower, that's for sure. I doubt most of the newer recruits can even spell "AK-47" let alone shoot one properly. Please don't be too impressive or they'll likely go into a binge eating depression and then we'll have to pay for their diabetes medication for the rest of their peripheral-nueropthetic lives.


I mean, I support our High School drop-outs Troops.


Yeah midwest, I went there.


P.S. if you wanted sleep you should've joined <insert rival branch here>, hah those guys are softies.

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Anyone know what actually constitutes a "hot file" on the Nexus front page?


I only ask because I think in the entire time I've been a member I've only ever seen maybe 3 or 4 files listed there that interested me at all. And it's clearly not done on either total downloads, total endorsements OR endorsement/download ratio. Not saying they're not good mods and all that, obviously. It just baffles me.

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They are files that people would pay to see naked or that download/endorsement ratio thing but within a certain period of time.


But that's just my observation, not that it matters.


I realise you could have meant the first half of that comment a couple of different ways... and probably not in the way that I'm gonna take it to segue into this particular rant, but seriously, if I see one more hot female follower mod I'm gonna go insane. Properly insane.


Especially if it's a "hotter Lydia" or "hotter Aela" mod.


I'm so close to making "all Skyrim women made uglier and bearded" mod in revenge. SO close.

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Agreed(begin mini rant), "Hotter," "sexy" or "pretty" essentially makes me ignore the particular follower mod. I would prefer a more objective assessment not based on the authors particular version of beauty and far too often their kinks. "Different" or "My" <insert follower> would be more acceptable.

-end mini rant.

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